Wednesday, March 11, 2009
No new posts here!
You can now find me at
For those that really love the email service, I have found a way that you can get my blog (and any other page you want) emailed to you in a PDF. Visit to find out more.
You will need my RSS feed to get it, so the new RSS is
You can also subscribe to any other blog by getting their RSS and setting it up through Tabbloid.
I hope you all continue to have awesomeness on a daily basis, and I hope you come read my new blog!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 251 - A.K.A My last Blogger post

That's right, I have made the executive decision based on my previous poll to move my blog to WordPress.
You can find me, and today's post at
This page will remain up, but will not get updates, so move your bookmarks!! (I also tried to make it easier with the same name, just replacing with I hope its not too confusing!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Day 250
that I have been up for close to 24 hours straight, which is awesome.
I have been working on this documentary all weekend, and we are
currently waiting for the DVD to burn. It looks amazing. I can't
believe that we actually made this.
I will show everyone when I can, but the competition asks us to not
put it on YouTube, so you'll have to wait to see me in person.
Well everybody, I hope you have a super day, I'm going to sleep now.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 249
else. You see, this fancy iphone learns your spelling and helps
correct you when you type the wrong letters.
I started to type about how daylight savings time is awesome since
it's still light out. Then I got to the word awesomosity and I
realized that my phone will now recognize that as a word. So if I type
not carefully and hit a q instead of a w, the iPhone realizes that
awesomosity is an actual word and corrects me, which is über awesome.
Also, the umlauts it just put over über is fantastic.
Hope your enjoying the extra hour of light on this gorgeous day!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Day 248

Here is the loft:

And, since I am at a poetry reading, I am feeling all artistic and stuff. So, I took this picture, inspired by Emily, through a light bulb.

I gotta get back to shooting this documentary, which I'll fill you in on later. Have a wonderful evening!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 247
Today's awesomosity is going to be going on for the next few days actually. It is making a documentary. You see, my company, Under The Line, is involved in this contest called the Doc Challenge. 142 teams from around the world have 5 days with which to make a documentary with the theme hope/fear and in a variety of genres.
I don't want to give away too much, but visit this website (it's got an awesome, kinda creepy, but really fun backing track to it). That may give you a hint as to what we are doing. When we are done, I'm sure I'll post it up somewhere for all yalls viewing pleasure.
Until then, we continue pre-production since we can't start shooting till tomorrow.
Enjoy the awesomosity of the weather today!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 246

Ok, so who is that? That, my friends, is one of the people you are going to buy beer from this summer at Cardinals games at Busch Stadium! His name is Josh Hunt, and he is a truly awesome guy. All around. And now he (will) sells beer at Busch! That is SO awesome. I can't wait to buy a beer from him (for a friend, of course).
So, if you're at a Cardinals game this summer and see him, totally tell him you are friends with me and tip him well. Oh, and you can follow him on Twitter @Joshua_W_Hunt.
No picture of me, since right now is yesterday and by tomorrow, today's picture would be outdated. Got that?
Have a spectacular day!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Day 246 Update
was two small (by comparison) laptops. The Mac I am working on now is
unreal. There are over 8 TERAbytes of storage. Those monitors? Full
HD. One is 30", the other is 25". Right? Are you kidding me? No, I am
not. Now, back to work.
Day 245

So, I have to say having two Macs and an iPhone all working at once is quite awesome and I highly recommend it to anyone that has the option available. Here I am, of course wearing my Blues jersey (the luckiest one).

And make sure to vote if you haven't yet, its a dead heat, between Blogger, WordPress, and confused people (I should probably stop giving people the option to check dumb answers).
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 244
Chinese delivery is awesome.

Also of note, Chinese buffets are generally amazing in my book. It's been a while, it might be about time for another trip back. Who's up for some dinner?
Here I am with a mouthful of beef. Make it a great day!!

Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 243
It's looking more and more like I'm heading over to WordPress, but make sure you cast your vote!
I totally finally got all my contacts on my iPhone, which is quite awesome, but not near as awesome as caffienated breath mints!!!!
That's right, now, you can have some coffee, a red bull, a caffienated Butterfinger bar, and then to make your breath smell at least decent, get some energy with your breath mints. How fantastic is that? And I found them the same place I found the Butterfinger with Caffiene, 7-Eleven.
I hope you have an awesome day!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Day 242
Good afternoon awesomites!
This is gonna be a quick post for two reasons. One, I have to be at work soon. Two, I've been trying to keep the posts shorter so as to not waste too much of your time.
Oh, and make sure you vote on the latest poll before it closes.
So, I was asked to guest blog on my ladyfriends blog, One Among The Fence (a great blog name, even if it comes from a Coheed and Cambria song). We had a little music debate about the Top 5 all-time Red Hot Chili Peppers songs. I'm pretty sure I won, but check it out and make your own opinion. It is a grea blog and a fantastic idea to have music debates. I like it. So, that blog, and our debate specifically, is awesome today. Enjoy it.
In case you couldn't figure out yesterday's post, I got an iPhone yesterday, and yes, it is incredibly awesome. I will try to not make every day something awesome about the iPhone, but there will be a few, undoubtedly.
Here is a picture taken with said iPhone, I think I drastically improved my phone camera capabilities, don't you think?
Have a uberiffic day!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Day 240
What a fantastic day!! I hope all my awesomites (and you, Joe) are having as good a day as I am. Why such a good day? Let me tell you.
First off, we finally got our company debit cards. WOOT! Now, just to figure out the wisest spending of the money.
Second, we are finishing our first project as Under The Line Productions, LLC (I'll get that fictitious name setup soon so I can leave off the "LLC")! WOOT!
Two things about finishing that project. First off, DVD Studio Pro 3 is definitely NOT awesome (at least so far, I just don't know the program yet. I am sure it really is quite awesome). It's just been giving us fits all day. Second, what is awesome, is the DVD printer my church has. I borrowed it yesterday (Thanks Joe!) to make some cool looking DVDs to give to our clients. What do you think?
I think it looks pretty sweet!
Well, thats whats awesome today, now I gotta finish this thing up! Have a super-duper day!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Day 239
Hey Awesomites! Great afternoon to you. I hope your day is as well as mine. A new poll is up, make sure you visit the page and vote!!
So, today's awesomosity comes from someone who follows my Tumblr site. He posted this video yesterday, and it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. And its from a credible source, National Geographic. Enjoy this video.
Isn't that amazing?!?!?! Now, get back to work, like I'm going to! Have a spectacular day!!
Here I am in the foyer of my office.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day 238
Happy Noon awesomites! I hope your day is as awesome as mine. I got up at a decent time, did some dishes, showered, got to work at a good time and have been busy and productive since then. I am going to have a great night too, a great meeting and then dinner at Little Grandma's. That'll be fun. Then I get to go home and relax (and do laundry, I believe those two things are mutually exclusive).
Anyway, what's awesome today? This band I found by following @MikeFoster on Twitter. I have talked about mike before, but today he tweets about this Icelandic band. I click the link to find out what the deal is, and am totally jamming out to this fantastic, Radioheadish type of chill music. I am pretty sure the words are in Icelandic, but it totally doesn't even matter.
Check out Sigur Ros, they are awesome. Great music to just chill too, but you can dance to some of it too. And, if you go to the media page of their site, you can download some tunes, videos and a bunch more. I highly recommend checking it out. Totally worth your time.
Click here to listen to a cool track. Right click to download it.
Now, I'm gonna finish that video, get some lunch, and continue a great day. Enjoy the pretty weather!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day 237
Great morning too you!! I hope you all have as great a day planned as I do. I get to edit some video, then a few meetings, then maybe some laundry and hopefully a nap before great seats at the Blues game tonight! WOOT!
So, since I have much to do, today's awesomosity is the video I created for my church last Sunday. I was actually quite proud of the effect at the end, with the photo mosaic (using the program I found a few weeks ago). Tell me what you think.
I am First Free from Ben Muehleisen on Vimeo.
I hope you all enjoy your day!! See you soon!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Day 236
Happy afternoon awesomites!! I'm glad you could stop by.
Today's awesomeness happened last night, and I don't have a picture of it. But it was WAY awesome. It involves food.
So, Janelle and I went to my brother's house for dinner and babysitting last night. It was great. Adriane made stroganhoff that was delicious and I said we would handle dessert, which is what was awesome (not that the stroganhoff wasn't awesome, but the dessert was fabulous, if I say so myself).
So, my family's traditional birthday cake is this thing called heath bar cake. I can't give you the super-secret family recipe, but it involves chocolate pudding, whipped cream, heath bars and angel food cake. Right? Delicious. And even better the next day.
Sorry I don't have a lot else going on today, even though today was quite awesome, just very busy. If you ever want some heath bar cake, let me know, and we'll see what we can work out.
Have a stupendous night!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Day 235
So, what is awesome today, you ask? Not having to clean up from Mardi Gras is what is awesome to me. I realize that this only applies to people that worked in Soulard yesterday, but its still awesome. You see, when you have thousands upon thousands of people drinking for 12 hours straight walking through the streets of a small neighborhood, there is a bit of a mess to clean up.
At Llywelyn's, they had to take all the chairs and tables and glassware and neon signs downstairs, since we put the all up there for the party. They also had to pretty much hose down the whole place to try to get it remotely back to its normal state.
This morning, I had to drop off a video at my church (I may post it here tomorrow, we'll see), then head off to get some audio from a church choir for a UTL project. By the time I was done with all that, they were done cleaning up, and I didn't need to go in. Which means, I get to relax a little this afternoon. WOOT!!
So, I hope you all appreciate this afternoon as much as I do. Have a great day!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Day 234
its ok, it won't be that bad, I'll be off by 11. So, I go to Joe's this morning to carpool, and what do I see? I see Joe getting out of the shower, showing me how awesome his hairy back is. He tells me I should make it the awesomosity. So I do.
I hope you enjoy Joe's hairy back and don't throw up a little in your mouth like I did.
Have a super duper day!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Day 233
Awesomites! Welcome!
What a grand day. All I am doing today is editing video. That's today. Tonight includes way too many way too drunk people, then putting everything remotely breakable upstairs before a doozy of a day tomorrow. But I'm not going to think about that now, now I will be thinking of how much I enjoy editing video.
So, since I'm so busy, I'm just going to point you to an incredibly awesome blog (thanks for the link @taquida!), of which I have found nothing not awesome (did you follow the intentional double negative there?). Check out Things My Beard Can Lift!
So, here's the quick story. This guy has been growing a beard since August of 2008. Now he has a very nice facial byssus, and he has realized the immense power and resposibility that come with such a thing. So, he is raising money for a charity in Chicago that helps keep kids off the streets. Good stuff.
So every week, he raises money, then lifts something equal to 10% of how much money he raised. So far he has raised $1500, so tonight he will be lifting something 15 lbs. Last week, it was a 10 lb. Millenium Falcon model. How awesome is that.
Definitely go check out the site (you can also join his Facebook group) and see what he will lift next, donate some money, and check all the other ridiculous awesomes that are all over the site. For instance, this was posted sometime last week:
Ok everybody, back to editing video! Have a great day!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Day 232
Good morning Awesomites!! By the way, that is what I think I will refer to my faithful readers as from now on. Awesomites. Feel free to comment other suggestions, if I get some good ones, maybe I'll post a poll. Otherwise, Awesomites you are.
What is awesome today? Well, it was awesome last night, and it will be awesome again tonight. So, what happened last night that will happen again tonight? Here's a hint, it has to do with sports. And I'm writing about it, so, anyone care to take a guess?
There ya go! It's the Blues!! Yes, we played last night (heartbreaking 4-3 loss vs. the Blue Jackets), and we are playing again tonight (in Nashville, big game). So, they play 80 other games all year, what is special about these? Well, last night (and hopefully tonight) I watched the game online for free. Totally free. The folks at will show you any game you want to see for $80/year, but I'm poor. So, I looked up some stuff, remembered this site called (very cool site) where I have seen Blues games online before. But they weren't broadcasting last night, but I did find a very awesome link. has all sorts of free programming, including a lot of sports online for free. I don;t know how they do it, only that I got to see the FSBlueJackets broadcast of the game. Totally check it out, they have a bunch of sports and TV shows you can watch for free, and it streams pretty well, which just helps make it more awesome.
So, go watch the Blues game online for free tonight (7pm Central)! You better watch!!
Here I am sneaking a picture at my early morning business meeting. Have a fantabulous day!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Day 231
Good morning faithful awesomites!
Today's awesomeness comes from something I was working on late last night. I finally finished a video about our trip to Haiti, and I was requested to post it. So, I went to YouTube and began the long, tedious process. Then, they told me that I couldn't do it. YouTube was apparently experienceing some kind of ridiculous problems. So, I went to Vimeo.
Vimeo is incredibly awesome. WWAAAAYYYYY better than YouTube in my opinion. It was very easy to sign up and even easier to upload my video. It gave me a graphic displaying how long it would be until my video was ready, plus I think the embedded video looks better. What do you think (of the look of the video, and the content of the video)?
First Free Haiti Vision Trip from Ben Muehleisen on Vimeo.
I think this looks better than a YouTube video. So, therefore Vimeo is awesome.
Just to keep you up to date on Twitter, @MCHammer is crazy. Literally, I think he has lost it. I am now following @RainnWilson and his evil doppleganger, @chocolaterainn. Once I started following them, I got a notice that @John_Krasinski is following me. I also now follow @johncleese and @drhorrible. Twitter is fun, you should totally check it out if you are not on there yet.
Have a great day everyone!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Day 230
Today's awesomeness comes from a friend of mine's wife (she is also a friend of mine) who happens to be the newest addition to my blog roll, "Other Sweetness". She also has, in my opinion, the best name of a blog, Kellogues. Her name is Kelli, get it?!
Anyway, I just started following her blog, and I came across a post with something really awesome, especially since my friend Joe is always saying he is very smitten with some new girl. I present you with, Smittens!

Here is a picture of me in my pastor Kevin's office. I am here because I need to digitize some footage, but I have to use the camera I shot with, which was at church and needs to remain here. So here I am. Have a great day!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day 229
Ok, its gonna be a quick awesomosity today. First, check out Lerryn's narcissistic blog, it's great (HI LERRYN!!)
So, the other day when I was blogging about MC Hammer, I ran across this video.
Yeah, I think my favorite part is that he talks in falsetto the whole time, I am assuming to try to be like MJ. Awesome. Even more awesome? He sells these DVDs on his website. Yeah, you too can be like Napoleon Dynamite.
Like I said, busy day, so I'll be seeing you all soon, have a super awesome day!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day 228
I just got home from a great lunch with my lady friend and my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Brian Corstange. It was fantastic. I haven't seen Brian in a few months, so it was good to catch up on some things. As usual, we made some plans for the future, including a Cubs-Cards game at Wrigley this summer, and a Tigers-Cards game at Busch. We both want to go to the Cincinnatti Master's Tennis Tournament and see all the big stars play. We'll see what comes of all of that.
So, what's awesome today? O'Connells Pub. It is located at the corner of Shaw and Kingshighway, just South of 44. In my opinion, they have at least one of the top 3 burgers in town, and its just $5.75 with cheese, which is pretty cheap. Today I had the roast beef, which is also highly recommended.
So, go visit O'Connells sometime soon, preferrably with some good friends (I may be available, just let me know).
Ok, nappy time, then off to Llywelyn's to finish off this ridiculous week.
Have a great day!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Day 227
So, what is awesome today? Well, it involves Twitter, which I have written about before. On the homepage, there is a find people button. In that menu, there is a Suggested Users button. There are all kinds of people on there, including the founder of Twitter and Facebook (different people). There are also some other famous people. Including this guy:

That's right. I am now following MC Hammer. And, for the true awesomosity, MC Hammer is now following me!! You too can follow MC Hamer on Twitter, just click here.
And now, to complete the blast from the past, here is a video of Hammer performing on Arsenio Hall. Yeah.
So here I am not looking forward to working 12 hours at Llywelyns. Ooph. See ya tomorrow!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Day 226
Today's awesomosity is the (in my opinion) long-time king of late-night talk shows, David Letterman. He is at least 43 times funnier than Jay Leno, though Conan will give him a run for his money. It's great now, since you can watch them back-to-back.
Anyway, Dave is really funny, but most of all, he is great at interviewing people. This is most recently evidenced by his interview with the seemingly very high, and definitely out there now, Joaquin Phoenix.
See the full interview here. Watch CBS' edit of it here.
So, that's my awesomosity for the day. Here is a picture of me, apparently looking at something very interesting, though I don't know what. Have a fantastic day, see you tomorrow!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day 225
I just went over to my brother and sister-in-laws for dinner, where my 2-year-old niece, Lydia, told me about her big girl bed. The big girl bed she has had for a few months now. Very exciting. So exciting, its today's awesomosity. Here is a picture of Lydia on her "new" big girl bed.

I remember my first big boy bed. It was a waterbed. My parents waited until I went to sleep on Christmas Eve. Then they put me in their bed, took down my old bed and put up a waterbed. So, I went to bed in a little boy bed and woke up in a big boy waterbed. I was very confused. I also had an alarm clock that ticked with the seconds. I thought my new waterbed was a bomb. For real (at least as I remember it, my family disputes this, but I know it to be true). So, I got up (I'm sure way too early) and didn't even watch the parades or anything. I just sat in front of the off TV waiting for the bomb to go off.
Do you remember your first big person bed? Tell us all about it.
Here I am awaiting the first baseball practice of the year.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Day 224
I found a super awesome program today. You know those pictures that are made up of all kinds of other pictures? Well, I found several programs that will make those for you! It is quite awesome. The one I am using (because I use the far superior Macintosh computer) is called MacOSaiX. It is really easy to use and works spectacularly!
For those of you that use the inferior Windows machines, check out this page, where there are a bunch of Windows programs that do the same thing.
The most awesome part of all? All the programs are free!!
Everyone should check out this artwork on the page of the girl (Andrea) whose site I found all this stuff on. I highly recommend his 1.5 GIGApixel version of "Starry Night", which has 250,000 images! Seriously, it is very cool.
Here is my picture of the day, mosaic style.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Day 223

What is that you ask? Well, that is a cheaply done picture that features a logo of the awesomosity on the back of a guys head. On the website, they are calling for (and have gotten some silly people to actually do it) you to actually shave the logo in your head and send it to them. For what? A free candy bar. Now, this is coming from a guy that changes his hair (mostly facial, but I've been know to do some different things with the do) on a almost weekly basis.
Enough about that silliness, on to the awesomeness! The Butterfinger Buzz bar is a new limited time (read: see if it sells well enough) candy bar. What is the difference in a butterfinger and a butterfinger buzz? 80 mg of caffeine, thats what. Yes, you heard me right. They have (finally) made a caffeinated candy bar! And it works! Saturday night, I was on my way to work at Llywelyns, feeling a little groggy. So what did I do? I got a Buttefinger Buzz and a large Red Bull. WOOOHOOWOOWOOHOO! That's pretty much what I felt like by the time I got to work. I was just going! For about an hour, then it started to wear off.
So, either way, next time you need a boost, give a Butterfinger Buzz a try, you won't be disappointed. Or tired (at least till you crash).
Have a wonderful day!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Day 222
Today's awesomosity? The Bicycle that my friend and coworker Toni got recently to ride to work. Check it:
So, the deal is (I think) that she got ticked off at her car last summer and got rid of it. She lives downtown (and I mean downtown), so a car is not totally needed, but some mode of transport is helpful. So she got this awesome bike. The only problem is she will ride it to work, but then doesn't want to ride it home at 2am (I still can't figure out why on that one). She is saving up for a Vespa like scooter. I think she'll get pink on that one too. Here is Toni riding her bike in front of Llywelyn's yesterday.
Congrats Toni for having an awesome bike! Here I am trying to get better, but getting ready to go to work. Have a great day!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Day 221
Remember last week, when we were warned by an officer of the law about getting a pistol stuck in our face? Well, the church that hired us for that is where we were shooting this morning. Here are some pictures of that church (which don't do it any kind of justice, but hopefully the iPhone's camera is of better quality).
So, this church was built in 1900. All the ceilings are painted with murals of Bible stories, there is stained glass everywhere, and all the accents are marble. It is just beautiful. And it is less than 1/4 mile from where we were warned of getting pistols in the face. Something has seriously changed in that neighborhood over the past 109 years. I wonder how you revert that situation to more of what it used to be like?
Either way, its totally nap time before the madness of trivia at Llywelyn's tonight. Here I am at St. Theresa and Bridget's. Have a fantastic day!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Day 220
For those that don't know dAN, check out his blog here, it definitely gives you some insight into the great man that he is. He is the worship music leader at Quest (my church), father of 4 (oldest = 4, which is alone enough to make him awesome!)
dAN (that's how he writes his name) is a fantastic musician, and I really enjoyed seeing 64% of his show. It was well worth it.
If I had to summarize dAN in one word, it would be Integrity. In everything he does that I can see, he is a man of great integrity. He is a great example of the type of man I am trying to become, a great friend, and just all around awesome.
Now, I'm off to work, I hope you all have a fantastic evening!
Here I am at the Cicero's afternoon show.