Today was indeed a special day. I got to rip up a Pontiac Sunfire to harvest the great stereo equipment, then I went to see dAN Hartke play at Cicero's. Here is a picture:
For those that don't know dAN, check out his blog here, it definitely gives you some insight into the great man that he is. He is the worship music leader at Quest (my church), father of 4 (oldest = 4, which is alone enough to make him awesome!)
dAN (that's how he writes his name) is a fantastic musician, and I really enjoyed seeing 64% of his show. It was well worth it.
If I had to summarize dAN in one word, it would be Integrity. In everything he does that I can see, he is a man of great integrity. He is a great example of the type of man I am trying to become, a great friend, and just all around awesome.
Now, I'm off to work, I hope you all have a fantastic evening!
What a day. It has been a fantastic, but filled day. Therefore, I only have a second or two to write this, I'm still gonna be late for work either way. So, I give you two fun drawings found on the internet. The first one, I just found out about today. Make sure to click this link and read the whole story, but here is the pic:
Awesome. Second is something that has been going around for a while, but a few of you don't recognize this drawing: Yes, that is a spider. Yes it only has 7 legs. Yes, a man tried to pay an overdue account with it. Check the whole story out here (also a very cool website, take a look around there while you're at it, though a quick warning, there is profanity on the site).
To read more about what happened to the actual spider drawing, read here. Yes, it did in fact sell on Ebay for $10,000. For real.
There is a picture of me walking to lunch today, followed by 2 pictures of my truck. What is that on my truck? Why, its the awesomosity today, bird poop.
Ok, so bird poop is not the awesomosity, but the bird that created it certainly is. For real. The first picture is the "meat" of it, while the second picture is simply "splashback". At first this morning, I thought I had parked under a bird nest or something, but upon further examination, that was all from one bird. One giant, formerly constipated bird.
I have no idea what kind of bird could create such a masterpiece, but needless to say, it must be an impressive specimen. I am certainly impressed.
Well, I'm off to dinner and a Blues game, I hope the rest of your day is spectacular!
Quick awesome today. But first, see that little "cornify" button over there under the latest poll? Go ahead and click on that a few times. Yeah. Do you like the rainbows, unicorns and sparkles? Of course you do. Who wouldn't?
So, that is my awesomosity for the day. Cornify. Check it out. You can add it to any website. You can even get it on your toolbar so you can cornify any website you visit. How awesome is that?
Thanks Molly for your tweet that let me find this awesome.
Great morning everyone! Ok, so its the afternoon. Oh well, sue me.
I had a great meeting this morning with an old friend, Michael Daehn, Marketer / Hockey player. Very interesting guy. He told about a bunch of cool stuff on the web, two of which I'll share with you now, one of which is the awesomosity of the day.
The first is about Twitter (follow me @636benjamin, follow Michael @michaeldaehn). He wrote this article about how Twitter is becoming a more common form of communication. It can also be quite a great business marketing tool. Great info in that article, I recommend it.
The other thing he told me about is this website that creates simple videos that explain sometimes complicated things. Remember a long time ago when I was trying to setup and explain RSS Feeds? Here is a video from CommonCraft that very succinctly explains RSS feeds and how they work, and is a good example of the type of videos you will find on their site.
I hope you now all understand RSS feeds and how they work. Enjoy all the other awesome stuff on the website.
Today is an awesome day as usual. So today's awesomosity comes from a website I heard about recently. I am sure plenty of you know all about it already, but I just heard about What many of you probably didn't know is that you can totally make your own posters. For real. I just made this one (and Joe is gonna kill me for posting it here, but oh well) from a picture we took last summer at a giant convention in Oklahoma City. We were all a little poor, so 6 of us shared a room. Needless to say we had fun and ridiculous things like this happened:
Well, have fun the rest of the day making fun of your friends over at Despair. Talk to you all tomorrow!!
Happy Sunday everyone! I think and hope you all know that it is not any normal Sunday, today is also the first day of February, which makes it very special. Today is national freedom day!! No, it's not a "bank" holiday, so next year when its on a Monday, you can still make that deposit. National Freedom Day celebrates the day the Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery on this day in 1865. And the only president from Missouri, Harry S Truman is the one who made it a holiday.
Ok, so today is also the day some guys beat each other up and like half the country watches it. But I'm pretty sure most people just want to watch the ads. They are the awesomosity for the day. Here are a few of my favorites.
"1984" - Apple Computers - This is awesome for several reasons. One, it introduced the world to the best computer ever, a Macintosh, and two, it is credited as creating the phenomenon of "Super Bowl Commercials". It was the first to create a production out of a television commercial. Enjoy:
Budweiser's tribute to 9/11 - Awesome because it makes me want to cry every time I see it.
Finally, a commercial I think you might see later today (if you watch the game). "Tips" - CareerBuilder. This is awesome because it is the evolution of advertising. They spent probably $3-$5 Million to get it on TV, may $100,000 or more to make it, then upload it to YouTube for free and get another 300,000 people to watch it before it even airs. Here ya go:
I hope you all enjoy the day and the game (if you decide to watch). See you tomorrow!!
I can't believe you all think Vanilla Ice is the best Old Skool rapper. Boo. Now, should I export my site to WordPress? (It will make it easier for me to control and it will load faster on iPhones, Michael)?
Get some awesomes straight to your inbox! Everyday!
People that read what I say (and are therefore awesome)!
Should I allow guest posts occasionally (where a friend actually writes the awesomosity)?
Should I add a suggestion for you to do some swesomeness on your own?
What should I call the thing that I suggest you all to do to make your day a little more awesomer?
What TV series should I rent from Netflix next? (you can vote for more than 1 answer, as always)
Which TV series should I watch FIRST?
What concert should I go to?
How many Blues games will you go to this year?
What should we name our web video business?
Should I add the awesomosity to the title of the post?
Should I keep or change the new layout?
Should I keep this layout, or the original, or the last one? (Remember, you can vote for more than 1 answer!
Should I get my own domain and hosting and get this blog off of Blogger?
What about my blog while I'm in Haiti?
Should I keep all the old polls up? (Don't forget you can check multiple answers!)
Now that we are at the midway point of the hockey season and the Blues are in last in the Western Conference, do you think they have a chance of making the playoffs?
Do you like the "Cornify" button?
Who is your favorite Old Skool rapper? (NOT an exhaustive list)