Do any of you remember a few months ago when I asked for some suggestions of awesomes? Well, I got a few replies and I have been saving them. Until today.
My sister-in-law, Adriane, is the very proud mother of my nephew and two nieces. And Ahren, the oldest isn't even 4 years old yet. I can't even imagine how challenging it must be to do anything. I mean, a grocery store trip must be a trip. Seriously. Think of the simplest errand you might run, say run out to Walgreens to pick up a prescription or something. For you (if you are single, or at least childless for the time being), it takes maybe 10 minutes, total. And that includes waiting in line.
Now, for Adriane to leave the house and go to Walgreens, I bet it takes longer than 10 minutes just to get all 3 kids ready to get in the car, much less go there and do the thing. I would estimate a simple errand is a minimum of half an hour. And then, if you are in a store, how hard would some simple tasks be? Like say, using the restroom? Well, for that, life has gotten a little easier. I give you the Babykeeper.

Doesn't that just look incredibly comfortable? I am not entirely sure if this was what Adriane was talking about, I don't think so. She had mentioned that there are stores that have places to put an entire baby carrier attached to the door. Either way, its a little creepy to have a child staring you down, hanging from a door while you "take care of business".
A side awesomosity to the creepy babyhanger thing is the website I first found it on. It's a blog. And it's called "The Poop". Jim, I think I have found your favorite site ever.
Task o' The Day: Send me something else awesome. If it includes babies hanging from a bathroom door, thats cool, if its about unemployment (are you ever gonna send that Joe?), thats cool, I suppose. Just send me some more awesomes.
Here I am chilling at the Coffee Cartel waiting for Sean to get out of a meeting. Have a splendid day!