Wednesday, March 11, 2009
No new posts here!
You can now find me at
For those that really love the email service, I have found a way that you can get my blog (and any other page you want) emailed to you in a PDF. Visit to find out more.
You will need my RSS feed to get it, so the new RSS is
You can also subscribe to any other blog by getting their RSS and setting it up through Tabbloid.
I hope you all continue to have awesomeness on a daily basis, and I hope you come read my new blog!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 251 - A.K.A My last Blogger post

That's right, I have made the executive decision based on my previous poll to move my blog to WordPress.
You can find me, and today's post at
This page will remain up, but will not get updates, so move your bookmarks!! (I also tried to make it easier with the same name, just replacing with I hope its not too confusing!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Day 250
that I have been up for close to 24 hours straight, which is awesome.
I have been working on this documentary all weekend, and we are
currently waiting for the DVD to burn. It looks amazing. I can't
believe that we actually made this.
I will show everyone when I can, but the competition asks us to not
put it on YouTube, so you'll have to wait to see me in person.
Well everybody, I hope you have a super day, I'm going to sleep now.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 249
else. You see, this fancy iphone learns your spelling and helps
correct you when you type the wrong letters.
I started to type about how daylight savings time is awesome since
it's still light out. Then I got to the word awesomosity and I
realized that my phone will now recognize that as a word. So if I type
not carefully and hit a q instead of a w, the iPhone realizes that
awesomosity is an actual word and corrects me, which is über awesome.
Also, the umlauts it just put over über is fantastic.
Hope your enjoying the extra hour of light on this gorgeous day!!!