I know what you want to do this weekend. Make this awesomosity:

Yes, that is a wallet made out of a Super Nintendo cartridge. Yes, it's awesome. Yes, it will hold your ID, credit cards, cash, and whatever else you carry in your current wallet. Yes, it is hinged with a larger compartment inside. Yes, it does have light up LEDs and plays sound effects. What could possibly not be awesome about this?
So, now I've got you hooked, right? Ok, go to this pretty cool website, called Instructables, where you can find step-by-step instructions to this and a bunch of other sweetness. Here is a direct link to the SNES wallet page. If you make one of these, please make two, I'll reimburse any costs involved.
I still need a few volutneers for guest awesomes next week while I'm gone. You can: tell me in person (like one Joe did), Twitter me (like another Joe did), comment on any post (which no one has done), shoot me an e-mail, give me a call, post a billboard on 44, whatever you want, but I'll need 6 total people, so come on, step up and tell the world (ok, so its only like 14 regular readers, but I like to pretend the whole world reads this) what is awesome to you.
Have a fantastic day!!