Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 187

Today's awesomosity comes from church, which may be a surprise for some, since it is Sunday and I have been at church all day.

The big event was that we had a congregational meeting (the first I have ever attended) to vote on a new pastor of Worship and Creative Arts. That is incredibly awesome. We have been searching for this position for almost two years, and we now finally have one!!

After hearing him talk for a little bit in service and the meeting, he seems like a really cool guy that is going to do some really cool things with worship in our church. I am very excited. I would put up his name, but I'm not sure he has told his congregation and church of his new position yet, and since my blog gets such a wide readership, I figure I better not or the cat's out of the bag.

I know this is awful short today, but I am real tired and am going to take a nap. Have a great Sunday!!

Here I am at the congregational meeting:


John said...

so did they say when he's going to start?

636benjamin said...

I think he'll be starting in Mid March.