25 Days! Thats a quarter of 100 days, which is just over a quarter of a year, so, if my math is right, I'm like a 16th or so through the year!
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All right. Yesterday I had a pretty good idea of what todays aweomosity would be, and I was totally right. You see, as some of you know, I had a movie I helped make premiere at the
St. Louis Filmmaker's Showcase last night at the Tivoli. And it was awesome. My film specifically, but the whole contest was awesome too. I was able to get a few of my friends to come see it, Ben and Erin Shepard. And they can back me up on what I'm going to do next. See, there were 16 shorts in this viewing, all comedies (well, all labeled as comedies), so I'm gonna give a one sentence review of all 16 (in alphabetical order so as to not show preference). So, here goes:

101 Damnations - Good quality film, good acting, somewhat funny, deserved to make the showcase.
Coffee - Good film that portrays a conversation between a father and son that work together; funny and well-made.
Dog Park - Animated short about dogs that was cute. Not funny, but entertaining.
The Doubtful Martyr - Easily got the most laughs of the night, very funny and well-made; special kudos to the Director of Photography (Ok, so this was my film, but most of what I just wrote was true).
Flapjacked - Odd film, I think about the downfall of art and commercialism in America, odd.
Four Squares - Mockumentary that could have been the best film of the night were it not for the noticeably bad quality
Gus Over Easy - wierd movie about a guy with sunny-side up eggs for ears. Seriously.
Lunchbreak - One of my favorites, though it did have quite a bit of foul language, but a guy died a rather gruesome death.
The Nightly Potato, Episode 5 - This is apparently an ongoing short film. This was computer animated debate between Clinton and Obama, also starring Tom Brokaw and the late Tim Russert, the only film that may have gotten more laughs than TDM.
Scalpel - No. This should have never been made, much less put in this contest.
Sugar - Easily the most professionally produced and expensive film of the night (they had Nat King Cole music in it, plus a lot of choreography, and I think they shot on actual film) very good, probably the "winner". I think Matt Wertz (the Christian singer) was involved.
This Really Happened - True story of an interview where the interviewer whooped out her boobs and started breastfeeding during the interview. Uncomfortable.
Three Days, Spencer - Wierd story of a troubled middle-schooler failing a grade for not speaking, then rips everyone a new one. Not great.
Tuesday - Winner of oddest of the night, this guy is just going through the motions until one Tuesday, he is suddenly surrounded, followed and befriended by lots and lots of pink flamingo yard things. Really wierd and not that good.
Two Fine Gentlemen Find a Dollar - Why are all these so wierd? It had its funny moments, I suppose.
The Ugly Turkey - Animated story of the plight of an ugly turkey, started the night off with some good laughs.
So, now that I have bored you with reviews of movies you will never see (except for the Doubtful Martyr, I have DVDs and will be happy to show anyone this awesomeness), I guess I'll just show you my picture of the day. Actually, today you get two, one was from yesterday, on the roof of an inspection, then todays in my folks basement.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate it, talk to you all soon!!