Wow. This is a crazy week for people in these United States. Something like 13% of us are traveling. That is ridiculous. Thats 30 or 40 Million people that would not normally be on the move, that are on the move this weekend. Be safe out there. I am glad I only have to drive 15 miles to enjoy the 3 turkeys and 3 chickens that my family is cooking. I have no idea why we are having that much food, but we are. It'll be great. If you live in the Lou and don't have anywhere to go, let me know, we'll probably be able to come up with a plate of stuff for ya.
So, on to the awesomosity. I worked last night. I am working tonight. And Friday (were closed on Thanksgiving, or I am sure I'd be working then), and Saturday, and Sunday, and Monday. Seriously. I think I'm crazy. Ok, so I'm not crazy, but I know something that is crazy. The amount of beer that we have at Llywelyn's. You see, thanks to the holiday, no one will deliver beer to us until Monday. Therefore, we had to prepare for tonight (which is typically one of the busiest days of the year, next to St. Patty's and Mardi Gras), as well as get ready for this weekend, in which we would normally have a busy weekend, thanks to so many people being in town and off work and school, but we also have two of our best drawing bands playing this weekend. It's gonna be redunk.
Here is what our dry storage in the office looks like:

Now, here is what our cold storage looks like:

If you can't tell, that's a lot of beer. We got 330 or something cases delivered yesterday. 150 cases of Bud Light alone. Maybe some day, when we get through all this, I'll show you what these spaces normally look like. For example, on a typical expected busy weekend, we may stock 25-30 cases of Bud Light. So, we have at least 5 times our normal amount. If you are not a fan of crowds, Llywelyn's Pub in Soulard will not be the place for you until Monday, when you really should come up, I'll be bartending.
For good measure, here is a picture of our keg cooler. It doesn't really do it any justice, but if it helps, all those are stacked at least 2 deep, and there is normally a walk way through the middle there.

So, the awesomosity for today is stupid crazy amounts of beer, most of which I will be stocking and selling at some point over the next week.
Task o' The Day: Be thankful for something today. Today, I am thankful for a job that is fun and pays me fairly well. I need it, at least until under the line gets up, running, and profitable.
Here I am working at the utl studio.

Have a great day! Be thankful and enjoy yourself tomorrow! I'll talk to you soon.