Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 147

Done with my meetings now. If you didn't check the blog between 11:45 and 2:30pm EST, then that last statement doesn't even matter to you, but oh well.

Back to awesome. I had a great weekend these past few days, I hope you did as well. I worked all weekend, but I made some pretty good money, so that always makes it better. I also got out earlier than usual Friday and Saturday, by that I mean I left at 2am as opposed to 2:30-3am. Every little bit helps though. So, something that comes up when you miss a little sleep is the element of being awake and productive after a short sleep weekend. Know what is awesome and helps? Coffee.

Now, at home I drink Maxwell House (currently) or whatever is on sale at Shop n' Save when I need coffee. But more awesome than that is gourmet coffee, which is all we drink at the office (and by office, I mean Sean's apartment). Sean is a gourmet coffee guy, don't insult him with Folgers. Don't get me wrong, Folgers is good coffee, its just not great.

Now, Starbucks, or any other coffee shop for that matter makes much better coffee. I could get into all the ins and outs of fair trade coffee and whatnot, but I won't. I will give you a link to a non-profit that Sean used to work for that tries to have better than fair trade coffee. Read about Beans for Hope here.

If you don't necessarily care as much about fair trade in your coffee, then check out the Coffee Fool. They claim that you have never had fresh coffee until you have had theirs. And that once you have tried theirs, you will never be able to drink "normal" coffee again. I really want to try it, but I'm scared. I like my Maxwell House. It's good to the last drop. I don't want to rick ruining that!

So, a quick summary of my coffee adventures today. I brewed 6 cups (about 32 oz.) of some Maxwell House this morning. Then I got to the office and had some Starbucks Sumatra roast or something. That was good. Then I had some Companion coffee for an early afternoon meeting with a marketing company. It's been a good coffee day so far, and there is probably still a cup or two out there with my name on it somewhere.

Task o' The Day: Get some 'gourmet' coffee. Not a coffee drinker? Spend a little more than usual on some hot tea. No teas, you say? Get a premium hot chocolate drink somewhere. Hot drinks scare you? Get over it.

Here I am in the kitchen of the new office. Pretty sweet. Have a great night. I'll see ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

dunkin donuts has GREAT coffee.