7:35 pm
All right. Yall thought I forgot about ya. Of course not. I'm just gonna try something new today. I'm gonna "live blog". What I mean is that I will periodically throughout the night.
So tonight I'm going to the Blues game with my buddy Gabe. Awesome. We decided to take the Metrolink to the game. In fact, Metrolink is the awesomosity for the day. I love light rail systems, even ifours here in St. Louis blows.
First awesome thing to happen so far besides going to the game with Gabe is that I ran into my friend Rhyno, who I haven't seen in years. Quite awesome. He's got long hair now, who knew? Were here now, talk to you soon.
just got to our seats. Very very awesome. Behind the net we shoot twice. Upper deck. 5th row. 1st krap call against us I saw.
end of 1st period no score. Outshot 5-4. Some kida came dressed as the Arch and won the kids costume contest. Awesome.
lucky skate shuffle. Starts in 2. I think its 2. it was 1. We just had the best shift of the game, but no goal.
first fight. Starts slow. Cam Janssen won it though. Crowds excited. GO BLUES!!!!!!
nuts and bolts nuts and bolts, were getting screwed on penalties. But were killing them off.
end of 2nd period. Were getting outshot 16-9, but were still scoreless. Way to go Mason (Blues goalie)!!! The adult costume contest was won by an older lady dressed as a piece of furniture. A nightstand. Just one. She had money on it. Get it? She was a one night stand!
this is some great non-stop end to end action. Blues are putting it to them, but still no score. Aadams family look-alikes. Nothing great. 25-15 shots.
"ref you suck" chant came out. And they do. 1-0 Canes on a power play. Boo refs.
blues are still getting screwed on penalties. They just put up a sign on the jumbotron that said "free beer". Anything to get the crowd going I suppose. Big last 6 minutes. GO BLUES!!!!!!
blues lose 1-0. refs sucked, but in the end the blues didn't get it done. Oh well, great night anyway.
so, I'm 2-1 this season at games (1 preseaseon). 2-0 with dark blues jersey on, 0-1 with dark practice jersey.
thanks for reading my blow by blow account of an awesome night. Here comes the metrolink, see ya tomorrow.
Oh yeah, the TASK o' THE DAY: go to a blues (or other local hockey team) game.