This morning I had an awesome experience, Breakfast at Little Grandma's.

We had waffles, eggs and sausage. It was lovely and delicious. I also got to catch up a little with her, which I haven't done in a while. For those of you that actually know me, you know I am almost always extremely busy. But sometimes you've gotta set aside a little family time, right?
So I am guessing that a few of you noticed that my breakfast this morning was at Little Grandma's. That seems to suggest that I also have a Big Grandma. Which I do. Some people seem to almost get offended when they hear me call them that, and right to their face! Notice that I didn't say Obese Grandma or Fat Grandma or Skinny Grandma or Tiny Grandma. I said Big Grandma and Little Grandma. Let me explain a little further (because otherwise this would be a really short post).
Right around when I was born, my brother was about 5. He looked at my Grandmas and noticed that one was over 5'10" and the other was just barely 5'. He astutely call them Big Grandma and Little Grandma. The name has stuck. They even sign birthday cards as Big and Little Grandma. It's great, I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, I know people that called their grandparents Mee-Maw and stuff. That is more offensive to me. I guess it all just sounds that way when you are almost 30 calling a lady Big Grandma. But when you're 3, it's all just cute. In fact, my nieces and nephew call my parents Gra (pronounced Gruh) and Pa (like a dogs foot). That makes my grandmas Big Great Gra and Little Great Gra. I thought I heard Ahren (oldest nephew, almost 4) call Big Grandma "Great Big Gra", which would be much closer to being offensive, but I laughed.
Anyway, Breakfast with Little Grandma was great this morning. In fact, it was awesome.
Task o' The Day: I'll give you two options. Have a meal with a family member you don't get to see regularly. OR. Tell me (in a comment) what you call (or called) your grandparents. This should be easy enough that some of you actually do it. We'll see.
Here is the picture. I forgot to take one with Little Grandma this morning, but I did take it as I was driving away.

Thanks everybody! See you tomorrow!
1 comment:
Mmm that breakfast looks great!
You're lucky! My grandparents live up north, so I hardly get to see them.
For your task: We always just called my grandparents "grandma" and "grandpa." Every once in a while I'll get a birthday card signed "grannie" but we don't call her that, haha.
The boyfriend, who is from Texas, called his grandparents Papaw and Mamaw. I think that's a southern thing.
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