This morning, as I am driving into work to help my dad did a drainage ditch (see the picture), I was listening to Bob and Tom, a morning radio show on KSHE. I find them rather funny, even if they are a little off color sometimes. I heard one of the funniest bits in a while today.
They took some of the material from the presidential debates and "creatively" spliced it together. While the language and everything is kosher, the content is suggestive of possibly some inappropriate stuff. Anyway, it was hilarious. I debated posting it here as the awesomosity, but figured I'd rather not upset anyone. So, here is what I did do to find today's awesomosity.
I searched for that clip, and when I found it, I looked at the guy who posted it's page and I found this gem (also from Bob and Tom). Her name is Ingrid Michaelson. The song you are about to hear is mostly a song of hers called "The Way I Am", which was featured on an Old Navy commercial. And see, what she did here was, to add a few verses to the beginning of the song. I think you will ALL know the words, it's quite entertaining. Check it:
Now, wasn't that hilarious? In case you really want to see the other thing, here is the link.
Task o' The Day: Tell me your favorite cover or remix or special version of a song. I seriously want to know, I love covers.
Here is that picture, taken while taking a break from digging a ditch.

Thanks for checking me out today, I'll see ya in the morning.
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