I am assuming you all know what today is. Yes it is December 30th. This is also the 6 month anniversary of the Awesome blog. So, I'm gonna give you a few quick awesome stats (thank you Google Analytics!) before I get to today's awesomosity.
Since June 30th, 2008 there have been:
2,602 visits, including today
924 absolutely unique visitors
3,640 pageviews
1.40 average pageviews per visit
1:52 average time on site
35.47% new visits
All these stats come from people:
in 45 countries/territoties (Spain 2nd behind U.S. with 22)
1,309 Internet Exploere users (50.31%)
1,092 Firefox users (41.97%)
868 are direct traffic
608 are Blogger referrals
335 are Google referrals
Of the Google referrals:
33 searched for "www.todaysawesomeness.blogspot.com" (why they didn't just go straight there, I don't know)
6 searched for "ben muehleisen blog awesome"
and 4 came from people who searched for "www.tshirt.woot.com
As far as the ads go, I have been at $18.03 for quite a while, so click on those ads, I don't get a dime until I hit $100.
My best day in number of hits was November 14th, with 43 visits. Second was December 8, with 40 visits. Third best day was early on, July 11th (one of my personal favorite posts) with 39 visits.
I hope you have been intrigued by some cold hard facts. I find it amusing (and a little shocking, really).
Now, of course, the awesomosity. Vaccinations.
I had to get some shots this morning for my upcoming Haiti missions trip. Having already had some (most kids get a bunch of them, though apparently now, people think the Measles vac. causes autism, so parents aren't getting it.) I had to get 3: flu (my first time ever), Typhoid (no one wants that) and Tetanus (rust is everywhere). All of them in my left arm right next to each other. It is sore. I can hardly lift my left arm, luckily I don't have to.
So why are vaccines awesome? They keep us healthy, and hopefully prevent things like the Black Death from happening again. Here is what the CDC (Center for Disease Control) says about vaccines. Traveling abroad soon? Check out this site for recommended vaccines for your trip. There are a lot of dangerous diseases in other countries, and we don't want you infecting us back here in the states.
Well, here I am in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting many needles. Hooray! Have a blessed day!