I just woke up not long ago. 11 hours of sleep. It was awesome, but not todays awesomosity. That distinction belongs to Snickers.
That's right, Snickers, the candy bar. With its peanut packed goodness, Snickers really satisfies. When I don't have time for a full meal, I like to enjoy a Snickers to tide me over till my next meal.
Who says I shouldn't go into advertising? By the way, anyone with a large advertising budget should know that I can be bought. But I really do love Snickers. Just the other day when I had one, I noticed on the back of the wrapper the phrase that really is the awesomosity. Nougiacity! I love it when people make up words (like awesomosity)!
That's enough awesomosity for me for today.
A few other quick notes. The new poll is actually a newer version of an old poll. Your welcome, Joe. Maybe you'll win this time (last time it lost by one vote and Joe was the one that wanted it, and he didn't vote). I just started Lost, its not bad so far. Please send me ideas for names, I could totally use them.
Today is a busy and special day. It started early, got real good, then not so good, now it's awesome and should continue that way throughout the day and evening.
For those that don't yet know, I am starting a new business with my friend Sean. We will be doing video production for websites. It is very awesome. But we need a name. Please send me any thoughts you may have as to where to head in this situation. But it's very awesome.
So, I get to Sean's place this morning to continue working on the business (the working title, and no will never be the actual name of the business is BS Video Project). While there, his girlfriend, Emily, shows me this sweet program she has on her computer. It's called Anagram Genius.
It is a Windows only program, so it's not the total coolest, but even so, on a Mac you can give it a test run. I put my name in there, and do you know what came up? Nubile he Semen. Yeah. I couldn't make that up. I tried Jim Barnard, or should I say Jar Man Bird?
See if you can guess what regular readers are these:
I'm. Jog Cell
Aha! Reject bigot.
Inhumane, eeire lads.
Jeer Lode
Yell bloom!
Jam, 'n' OK cloth.
Ok, so that's enough. If you're name isn't anagramed above and you read regularly, I just don't like you. Just kidding, it's hard to remember everyone when you have tens of readers.
Task o' The Day: Guess the above anagrams. Post some cool ones, either from the website on on your own.
By the way, if you subscribe via RSS, I have updated the feed (I think), in an attempt to get ads to display on the feed, though it's not working great at the moment, I'll troubleshootize it later. Anyway, here is the new (I think) feed address:
I'm at Wal-Mart last yesterday getting some much needed supplies (TP and some other stuff), when I saw some breath mints in the impulse buy section while waiting in line. The impulse kicked in and I spent $1 on some awesome breath mints. The mints themselves are ok I suppose, they are pretty much all the same. The package however, was what kicked in the impulse. Here, let me just show you:
So that little box in the corner says "mirror inside". I was too intrigued to not buy them. After I opened it, this is what I found:
Yes, they were truthful and there is a mirror inside. Awesome. I'm thinking to myself, "Ben, you handsome devil, why would they have a mirror inside? Are women that conceited that they even need a mirror in the breath mint tin?" Then I realized that you are likely to use breath mints after eating. Why might you need a mirror after you eat? Well, when you get food stuck in your teeth of course.
That's awesome. I'm a fan of breath mints anyway, but these are totally my new faves.
Task o' The Day: Do you use breath mints? When? Why? What is your favorite brand and why?
Here is a picture of me in said mirror.
See ya'll tomorrow, probably before I have a big interview!
Today, I don't have much time, I have to go create a video resume and get it in the right hands ASAP, but I did run into something fantastically awesome last night serving at Llywelyns.
That's right, it's a fragrance designed for Jim and Alisha, the two people who talk about poop more than anyone I know. So, here is the deal. You spray this stuff in the toilet before you go, it creates a "film" on the water that traps any scents or odors that may arise. It's that simple. And Awesome. Here is what a Kansas City newspaper had to say about it.
Yes, they have another scent, and yes it's called "No. 2", as in "Who does Number 2 work for!" Read all about it and find out where to find it here.
Task o' The Day: Share a funny or embarrassing poop story with us. I imagine I'll get a few "anonymous" comments. Unless you have children. I really want to know. Did you do your duty (he said "duty") right before a hot date came over to horrendous results? Have you thought it was only going to be a fart, only to be horrifically surprised? Everyone loves when a little kid comes up to a complete stranger, tugs on their coat and says, "I pooped." Tell us all about it, we'll enjoy a little childish humor.
Here is my picture taken in a Bread Co. before a great meeting with Doug Watson.
And I really will have a new poll up soon. Be patient.
One day when I came home at lunchtime, I heard a funny noise. Went out to the back yard to find out if it was, one of those rowdy boys. Stood there with my neighbor called Peter, and a Flux Capacitor.
He said that he built a time machine. Like one in a film I've seen, yeah yeah... he said...
I've been to the year 3000 not much has changed but they lived under water. And your great great great grand daughter, is doing fine (is doooin fine).
Do you think that was: A) A dream I had last night (set in poetic pentameter)? B) A new short story I am working on? C) The awesomosity of the day?
The correct answer is "C". This is a song originally by "Busted", a British band, and was then "covered" by the Jonas Brothers recently. I think there should be a law that you have to wait more than 10 years or so to cover a song, but when Disney is paying, I suppose you can do whatever you want.
So, I heard this song repeatedly over the weekend at the cheer competition and was, quite frankly, amazed that anyone could like this song. So, then, you're asking, how is it the awesomosity of the day? Well, I guess it's more general than that, the awesomosity is officially getting a horrible song stuck in your head. How is that awesome? Well, let me tell you.
Getting a song stuck in your head is actually more common than you may think. In fact, the science community has gotten involved. BBC News did a story about it. There is even a wikipedia article about "earworms". But I think my favorite thing about earworms that I found was this:
That is one artists depiction of getting a song stuck in your head. Fairly accurate I'd say.
Now, a few quick notes about that song. Here's the lyrics, and here are a few things that kind of upset me about them. In 1000 years, we'll be way past your great, great, great, granddaughter. Like at least 25 more generations or more. Probably more. Also, they say that not much has changed, but apparently everyone lives underwater. That's not a major change? Seriously? If I move to the ocean thats a big change, if I move in the ocean, that's off the charts. A not major change 1000 years in the future would be having another Bush in office. Now, they also say they are on their 7th album. The are not exactly prolific, are they. And they went multi-platinum? Whatever. They did, however, properly mention the flux capacitor and they mention that there are way too many boy bands. So, you've gotta give them credit for that.
Enough about stupid music.
Task o' The Day: What's the worst song to get stuck in your head? What do you do to get it out? Or do you just do like me and dance to some bad music only you can hear? Inquiring minds want to know.
Quick note, I can't believe no one thinks either of the Mackey's are awesome. They are. For real. I'll have a new poll up tomorrow, along with a HUGE announcement.
Here is a picture of me doing what may prove to be my last home insepction.
You will notice in my picture at the bottom of the post that I am holding a City of St. Louis parking ticket. This is in no way awesome. Especially since Where I parked was not a no parking zone. There was a no parking sign, but it was one with an arrow pointing to the other side of the sign than where I parked. Which led me to believe that I could park on the side of the sign that I parked on. So, in no way was this ticket awesome. Well then, you say, why are you talking about it on a blog about awesome stuff? Great question.
I mention it because there are several things that are awesome about it. First, the City of St. Louis is set up pretty great when it comes to parking tickets. They are either $10 or $25, and the fine doubles if you don't pay within 15 days. The fine triples if you dont pay within a month. It actually says on the ticket that it is "obviously in your best interest to pay this fine in a timely manner." Obviously. I am glad the City of St. Louis is looking out for MY best interests.
Another awesome thing is how you can pay. You can pay in person with cash, check, credit, or any other form of payment you can come up with. You can pay over the phone, or on the internet. They make it very easy to get them money.
Here is what is the awesomosity of the day though, the fact that you can contest the ticket, which I did this morning. This involves going to the ticket bureau and telling the nice clerk exactly why you think they were in the wrong in giving you a ticket. So, I told her, she said they would have someone investigate the site and get back to me. I just started an official City of St. Louis Parking Bureau investigation. That is way awesome. So, someone will investigate the site and let me know their findings. Then I am either off the hook, or owe them $25. If the latter, I can still go and contest the ticket further, and I suppose take it to a judge or something. I will probably just pay the $25 and be done with it, secure in the fact that I got my $25 worth out of the bureau (I love that word bureau, great word).
Task o' The Day: Share with everyone your favorite ticket or run in with the law story. If you have any tips, tricks or secrets in getting out of a ticket, share that too, that's just good info.
Here I am driving in my awesome truck with a contested parking ticket in my hand.
Tell me what the following letters and numbers have in common.
A H I M O T U V W X Y i l o t u v w x 8 0.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
For the smart ones in the room (or blog, I guess), you immediately noticed that all those letters and numbers are symmetrical. Yes, today's awesomosity is symmetry.
Ben, how did you come up with symmetry as an awesomosity, you ask? It was easy. As I sit and try not to gouge out my eyes watching cheerleading, I notice that when they do the "dance" portion of the routine, everything is almost always symmetrical. So, the girl in the front center of the wedge (they are almost always in a wedge) has both arms in the air. All the girls to her right raise their right hand, and all the girls to her left raise their left hand. Therefore symmetry.
According to the Dictionary/Thesaurus on the Dashboard of the Fu Mac Chu, symmetry is:
The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.
They say part of recognizing someone as beautiful depends on symmetry in their face. I don't know who says that, but I heard it somewhere.
So, I'm looking at all this symmetry, trying to gauge if I think it looks beautiful, and I think it does, or at least it looks better than if they weren't symmetrical.
What made me think of symmetry in letters was when I saw one of the teams had a parent that had cut out their letters out of styrofoam and painted them in the teams colors with glitter and krap. Well, the Z she was holding up (Zs and Xs are the two most common letters in cheerleading) was backwards so I could read it. For a second, I thought it was a symmetrical letter, but it turns out she was just holding it backwards. Ha ha.
I suppose symmetry seems beautiful to us because it is pleasing to the eye. I don't know if it is like scientifically easier on our eyes or something, maybe I should write to my favorite science guy, Beakman of Beakman's World. That's the science show on Saturday mornings that has a crazy guy, his female assistant, and a guy dressed up like a rat. I have no idea why. Either way, totally my favorite science guy besides Mr. Shaw, my high school Chemistry and Physics teacher.
Sometimes I wonder while I'm writing these things if I even make sense throughout it. I know I get off track, but thats the way my mind works. It's crazy up here (Ben points to his head).
Task o' The Day: Do you have a favorite or "lucky" number? Tell me what it is and why. Mine is 16, which I chose the first time I was given an option for my baseball team. It was Brett Hull's number and he was a super-stud for the Blues at that time.
Here is a photograph of me.
Thanks everybody, I'll talk to you tomorrow, and I'll have a new poll, and I'll have some super-awesome news!! Stay Tuned!!
I can't believe you all think Vanilla Ice is the best Old Skool rapper. Boo. Now, should I export my site to WordPress? (It will make it easier for me to control and it will load faster on iPhones, Michael)?
Get some awesomes straight to your inbox! Everyday!
People that read what I say (and are therefore awesome)!
Should I allow guest posts occasionally (where a friend actually writes the awesomosity)?
Should I add a suggestion for you to do some swesomeness on your own?
What should I call the thing that I suggest you all to do to make your day a little more awesomer?
What TV series should I rent from Netflix next? (you can vote for more than 1 answer, as always)
Which TV series should I watch FIRST?
What concert should I go to?
How many Blues games will you go to this year?
What should we name our web video business?
Should I add the awesomosity to the title of the post?
Should I keep or change the new layout?
Should I keep this layout, or the original, or the last one? (Remember, you can vote for more than 1 answer!
Should I get my own domain and hosting and get this blog off of Blogger?
What about my blog while I'm in Haiti?
Should I keep all the old polls up? (Don't forget you can check multiple answers!)
Now that we are at the midway point of the hockey season and the Blues are in last in the Western Conference, do you think they have a chance of making the playoffs?
Do you like the "Cornify" button?
Who is your favorite Old Skool rapper? (NOT an exhaustive list)