Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 136

I'm at Wal-Mart last yesterday getting some much needed supplies (TP and some other stuff), when I saw some breath mints in the impulse buy section while waiting in line. The impulse kicked in and I spent $1 on some awesome breath mints. The mints themselves are ok I suppose, they are pretty much all the same. The package however, was what kicked in the impulse. Here, let me just show you:

So that little box in the corner says "mirror inside". I was too intrigued to not buy them. After I opened it, this is what I found:

Yes, they were truthful and there is a mirror inside. Awesome. I'm thinking to myself, "Ben, you handsome devil, why would they have a mirror inside? Are women that conceited that they even need a mirror in the breath mint tin?" Then I realized that you are likely to use breath mints after eating. Why might you need a mirror after you eat? Well, when you get food stuck in your teeth of course.

That's awesome. I'm a fan of breath mints anyway, but these are totally my new faves.

Task o' The Day: Do you use breath mints? When? Why? What is your favorite brand and why?

Here is a picture of me in said mirror.

See ya'll tomorrow, probably before I have a big interview!

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