Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 132

Tell me what the following letters and numbers have in common.

A H I M O T U V W X Y i l o t u v w x 8 0.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

For the smart ones in the room (or blog, I guess), you immediately noticed that all those letters and numbers are symmetrical. Yes, today's awesomosity is symmetry.

Ben, how did you come up with symmetry as an awesomosity, you ask? It was easy. As I sit and try not to gouge out my eyes watching cheerleading, I notice that when they do the "dance" portion of the routine, everything is almost always symmetrical. So, the girl in the front center of the wedge (they are almost always in a wedge) has both arms in the air. All the girls to her right raise their right hand, and all the girls to her left raise their left hand. Therefore symmetry.

According to the Dictionary/Thesaurus on the Dashboard of the Fu Mac Chu, symmetry is:

The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.

They say part of recognizing someone as beautiful depends on symmetry in their face. I don't know who says that, but I heard it somewhere.

So, I'm looking at all this symmetry, trying to gauge if I think it looks beautiful, and I think it does, or at least it looks better than if they weren't symmetrical.

What made me think of symmetry in letters was when I saw one of the teams had a parent that had cut out their letters out of styrofoam and painted them in the teams colors with glitter and krap. Well, the Z she was holding up (Zs and Xs are the two most common letters in cheerleading) was backwards so I could read it. For a second, I thought it was a symmetrical letter, but it turns out she was just holding it backwards. Ha ha.

I suppose symmetry seems beautiful to us because it is pleasing to the eye. I don't know if it is like scientifically easier on our eyes or something, maybe I should write to my favorite science guy, Beakman of Beakman's World. That's the science show on Saturday mornings that has a crazy guy, his female assistant, and a guy dressed up like a rat. I have no idea why. Either way, totally my favorite science guy besides Mr. Shaw, my high school Chemistry and Physics teacher.

Sometimes I wonder while I'm writing these things if I even make sense throughout it. I know I get off track, but thats the way my mind works. It's crazy up here (Ben points to his head).

Task o' The Day: Do you have a favorite or "lucky" number? Tell me what it is and why. Mine is 16, which I chose the first time I was given an option for my baseball team. It was Brett Hull's number and he was a super-stud for the Blues at that time.

Here is a photograph of me.

Thanks everybody, I'll talk to you tomorrow, and I'll have a new poll, and I'll have some super-awesome news!! Stay Tuned!!

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