Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 138

I just woke up not long ago. 11 hours of sleep. It was awesome, but not todays awesomosity. That distinction belongs to Snickers.

That's right, Snickers, the candy bar. With its peanut packed goodness, Snickers really satisfies. When I don't have time for a full meal, I like to enjoy a Snickers to tide me over till my next meal.

Who says I shouldn't go into advertising? By the way, anyone with a large advertising budget should know that I can be bought. But I really do love Snickers. Just the other day when I had one, I noticed on the back of the wrapper the phrase that really is the awesomosity. Nougiacity! I love it when people make up words (like awesomosity)!

That's enough awesomosity for me for today.

A few other quick notes. The new poll is actually a newer version of an old poll. Your welcome, Joe. Maybe you'll win this time (last time it lost by one vote and Joe was the one that wanted it, and he didn't vote). I just started Lost, its not bad so far. Please send me ideas for names, I could totally use them.

See you tomorrow!

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