Now, on to the awesomosity. Friends and Family discounts. How awesome is it when someone you know gives you a card good for, say, 30% off the Old Navy and Gap family of stores? Pretty awesome. Especially since I just started a new job (still looking for a name, little help here?) and I also made some cash last night.
I never even knew I was a friend of someone that worked there until I was handed the discount card last night. So, if you want some money off at Old Navy or a similar store (aren't all the mall clothing stores owned by one company?) let's go shopping this afternoon. I know its short notice, but give me call, maybe we can work something out.
Task o' The Day: Discount or not, go shopping. By yourself a new pant suit. Husbands, sorry for telling your wife to go shopping.
Sorry for the short post, but isn't 30% off pretty awesome?
Here I am walking out of church, which I have to go back now. Bye!

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