Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 139

Quick, before I forget, come check out the alternate ending to the short film I worked on this spring! It will be playing at the St. Louis International Film Festival this Thursday night at 5pm at the Tivoli theatre in the Loop. It'll be awesome, you should totally go, and bring everyone you know!

Now, on to the awesomosity. Friends and Family discounts. How awesome is it when someone you know gives you a card good for, say, 30% off the Old Navy and Gap family of stores? Pretty awesome. Especially since I just started a new job (still looking for a name, little help here?) and I also made some cash last night.

I never even knew I was a friend of someone that worked there until I was handed the discount card last night. So, if you want some money off at Old Navy or a similar store (aren't all the mall clothing stores owned by one company?) let's go shopping this afternoon. I know its short notice, but give me call, maybe we can work something out.

Task o' The Day: Discount or not, go shopping. By yourself a new pant suit. Husbands, sorry for telling your wife to go shopping.

Sorry for the short post, but isn't 30% off pretty awesome?

Here I am walking out of church, which I have to go back now. Bye!

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