Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 140

First off, thanks for voting in the poll everyone! However, my sister-in-law is indeed very awesome, you should all vote for her. How can anyone that has 3 children between 1 and 3 not be awesome?

Second, totally didn't get to go shopping yesterday (boo), but it was because I had a great lunch with some great friends from church. Awesome.

Third, what is awesome today? Productivity. And I have found a site (Thanks Travis!) that is all about being productive. From keeping your inbox at zero messages to making powerpoints or blogs or anything else better, this is the site to learn about it. They've even got a page to help with creating to many productive systems. Do yourself a favor and go to and learn from Merlin Mann. It is awesome.

If you live out of your inbox (in email, I hope no one has an actual inbox anymore, much less one big enough to live in), do yourself a huge favor and watch his presentation to Google call Inbox Zero. It can revolutionize the way you do email. I have watched the first half and I plan to watch the rest of it soon. I have some serious browsing to do here.

In fact I'm gonna get to that.

Task O' The Day: This is gonna be a hard one, but get your email inbox to zero messages. Organize your email. Do it.

On another note, I'm gonna post another poll real quick like with some ideas we've had for names for the business. What exactly we are doing is this. We will be creating episodic video content for websites. I can explain more, just send me an email or something.

Here I am at the "new" work.

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