Saturday, August 2, 2008
Day 34
First, my apologies for misnaming yesterday's post, I have corrected the problem. Such editorial mistakes will not be tolerated ont his blog and I promise you, oh constant reader, that such an error will not happen again. Ok, so maybe it will, but I'll try my best.
Second, I have to apologize for not having any pictures today. Well, let me rephrase that. I have pictures, but I can't get them from my phone to you due to technical issues. I will post them in tomorrow's blog. Again I apologize.
Enough already. Despite the apologies and seemingly negative attitude, I have had a splendid day that has included today's awesomosity. Let me tell you about it.
I worked until about 3am, then I was supposed to go to this going away party for my friend Susan, but my bed had a better argument, sorry Susan, have fun in Atlanta! I awoke from my slumber in the 10:30 neighborhood, brewed my coffee, then installed the iPod adapter to my new stereo. It's pretty awesome.
So, my friend Josh and his wife Jamie just moved to North County and were having a bbq today. I said I would make it, but it would be early, and I would have to leave early. Well, I was earlier than everyone else, and left before everyone else got there. But I got to see Josh and Jamie (and their awesome kids, Ryan and Nathan, though I missed the latest edition, Logan). I don't get to hang with them very often, so I was bummed I couldn't hang out longer. Why did I have to leave early? Because I had another BBQ to go to.
The short of the story is that BBQ's are the awesomeness of the day. Why? Because cooking some good food over charcoal with good friends on a beautiful day is the best way to spend the day. Any day.
At the second BBQ, I even got to cook, which I would prove with pictures, but I already told you about that.
A few years ago, someone not from St. Louis challenged my calling grilling food a BBQ. Apparently most of the rest of the country calls that "Grilling Out" or Cooking Out". But in St. Louis, if it involves a grill of any sort, and meat of any sort, it is a BBQ. BBQ sauce not necessary. So, here are a few other food related items that are distinct to St. Louis:
So, there's the obvious stuff like Toasted Raviolli and Provel Cheese, but here are a few others you may not know. Slingers. (If you've never had a slinger, go to Eat-Rite right now and order one. I prefer mine with gravy instead of chili) Pork Steaks. (The rest of the country eats a slightly different cut of the same meat, I think.)
Dangit. I had so many more when I was planning this blog, but now I can't think of them. Leave a comment if you know of any others.
Thanks for reading, tomorrow's will be better. I promise.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Day 33
Before I go any further, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading. I sincerely appreciate it. And now I appreciate it in my wallet. According to AdSense, enough people saw and clicked on ads to get me $2.48 yesterday! Hooray! They will only send me a check when it gets over $100, so I'll let you know when that happens.
Also, a quick not about yesterday awesomosity. I neglected to tell you about a few things regarding my bro. He is also awesome to 8th graders at Westminster and the wrestling team there where he is coach (they had their first state champ last year! And undefeated too!) He is also awesome to his wife, Adrianne and his three children. Our parents and both Big and Little Grandma like him too. That was just to accentuate his awesomeness (now, don't let it all go to your head Tim).
Ok, on to today's awesomosity. I almost made it the dentist I saw this morning, but really, even on the best dental visit ever, dentists will probably never make my awesomosity. But I did have a good checkup (no cavities!!)
Well then, if it's not the dentist, what could it ever be?!?!? HD Radio.
As you can see, I have finally replaced the silence (ok, so my truck is pretty loud even without a stereo, just call me while I'm driving) with a new radio my parents bought me for my birthday that was last month. It's totally awesome. As you can see, it has an HD tuner built in, is satellite ready, will play my iPod (when I get the adapter in later today), and of course, plays CDs (mp3s and other such stuff too.)
The coolest thing to me is the HD radio. I know you have all heard the ads for it and are probably wondering, what's that all about (even if you weren't, I'm gonna tell you anyway)? HD radio allows FM stations to have CD quality sound, and lets AM stations be in stereo and sound like normal FM stations. It's pretty cool. The even better part is that they can have more than one station (here's a list of St. Louis' HD stations and what they broadcast). So, say, The Point has their normal station, but they also have a sweet other station that plays mostly the same artists, but more of the stuff you don't hear, some of which is pretty freakin' cool. Then, say, a station like Y98 has another station called "Chillin 98" (at least that's what the text on my radio says) and they play these cool, chillin songs. It also allows stations to branch out a little from their normal format. So, KSHE has another station that plays "KSHE classics" that my dad will LOVE, but they also have a third station that plays "country variety". Yes. I just said the KSHE, the Rock of St. Louis, has an HD station that plays coutnry variety. It sucks, but it's pretty cool at the same time, no?
So, feel free to come hang out with me sometime, I'll drive (after undoing the passenger padlock) and you can check out all the cool HD stations and whatnot. Pretty sweet, if you ask me.
So, HD radio is awesome today, what do you find awesome today?
By the way, there is a new poll up, so vote. Also, I have a search bar, so if something I write sparks some interest, use that (yes, I get paid for that too, at least, I think I do).
Here's the awesome picture of the day, taken just after they made my teeth sparkle:

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Day 32
So, what is awesome today? Let me tell you. This all happened yesterday.
I told myself that the awesome thing of the day would always be a thing, never a person. But rules are made to be broken, no? Besides, with the events of yesterday, there is no other way I could have anything else be the awesomosity of the day.
Without any further ado, I give you, my brother, Tim Muehleisen.

Now, Tim was a roofer in a previous life (along with an off-shore oil rig worker, which is pretty awesome on its own), so he is familiar with how to do this stuff. I am not. And I don't like ladders. So, with a little help from me, and some direction from dad, Tim did most of the work to get my folks house into tip-top shape (ok, so just good enough to pass inspection shape, but that counts, right?).
Following this half-day adventure, I went to pick up my newly fixed truck (and not totally fixed, but fixed enough for now). Then I had to go to Walgreen's to pick up a script for my bum elbow, then it was to be off for my parents house to install my new car stereo and have a family dinner. I get my script, and am quite excited about the rest of the day. I get in my car and I hear a *click* when I turn the key. Hhmph, thats wierd. Again. Click. Again. Click. DANGIT! What is freakin' wrong now? I call my dad, who is still at the rental, he says call Tim. I call Tim.
Tim is with his family getting ready to come to the folks house for said family dinner. I explain the issue, he says it could be a starter or a battery, he's on the way to help me out. So, I sit and wait. He arrives, my truck is still just giving a single click. Ok, lets pop the clutch and head to AutoZone. I'm not so good with the popping of clutches, so I push. Tim pops it and its off to AutoZone. We park kind of far away at the top of the hill, just in case we need to pop it again. Just in case you forgot, or don't live in St. Louis, it was raining last evening.
So, we pop the hood and look for the starter. Can't find it (Tim can't, I don't even know where to look, I'm lucky I know how to fill the gas tank). We go inside to see if they can show us a picture and maybe a location of the starter. A very nice lady comes to help us and we are able to locate the starter. At the bottom of the engine. Underneath the car. Only accessible by lying on your back (if you don't have a lift). Before I know it, Tim is on his back (did I say it was raining and wet?) figuring out how to take off the starter to we can have them test it.
About 4 trips inside and an hour later, we (and by "we", I mean Tim) have the starter off. Tim then notices that there is a little cable that looks like it should be plugged in and wasn't. Pretty close the new oil filter Jiffy Lube just put on.
You guessed it, the starter was fine. So, my brother just spent an hour on his back in the wet AutoZone parking lot getting greasy while his family is eating dinner to find out none of it was necessary. Awesome.
Then we hook it all back up Are you serious? Come on! Try it again and.....starts right up. Phew!
So, I think I am left with no choice than to make Tim the awesomosity of the day. Wouldn't you?
In case you were wondering, I did get the new stereo installed (a little loose, but it works) and I'll tell you more about that tomorrow.
Do you like the new layout of the site? I have added a few things, let me know what you think.
Have a nomination for awesomosity or an idea for a poll? Comment on a post and let me know!
Only 5 visitors yesterday? Come on folks, share the love with everyone you know! I'll never make money from AdSense with 5 visitors a day! (By the way, my worst day before yesterday was 9 visitors)
Ok, enough already, here's my picture, taken in front of my mother's laundry folding table that doubles as a pool table.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 31
Today I get to hang fascia, soffit and guttering on my folks rental place. No, I have no clue what I'm doing. But my dad and brother do, so I'll be taking orders.
For those that don't know, I have to help because my dad shattered his ankle about 5 months ago. He is still in a walking boot and he hobbles around quite nicely. Even if he could climb a ladder, that is how he got hurt, so it might be a bit freaky for him.
Ok, enough about my family and day ahead. Today's awesomeness is simple. AC in the car. I know a lot of you are thinking that AC is cool and all, but worthy of the awesomosity? Let me tell you why.
I am driving my mother's Toyota Camry, which has working AC, today. Why? Because Jiffy Lube has my truck, which most definitely does NOT have any form of AC.
I know, you're just supposed to wait with your vehicle when you get the oil changed (and deny all kinds of services that seem frivolous, but are probably necessary at some level). Well I did that a few months ago (actually me momma took it there for me because I was so busy, but what else is new?). Everything seemed to go fine with that oil change until I went for another one.
That was when they told me that they had stripped the drain plug last time it was there. That means nothing to me, I'm lucky I know how to chage the gas in my car (you drive about 300 miles, then take out a loan at the gas station).
What all that means for me in a practical sense is that they are taking my truck to someplace in South County (why not the Midas they share a building with, I may never know) for a whole day.
That means that I get to drive my mom's AC filled car for the day. Awesome.
Slightly more frustrating, I got my new car stereo in the mail when I got back from dropping off the truck. It looks real pretty, but I can't hear it just yet. Hopefully that will be tomorrow's awesomosity.
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. You may notice the ads on the lower right corner. I'm not telling you what to do, but I only make money when people click on those, so....
My picture is up top in front of the Camry. See yall manana!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day 30
I hope everyone planted a tree yesterday, I did.
The poll is closed and the application has been submitted to Google AdSense. I have to be approved by them before they will put ads on my site. I'm hopeful.
On to the awesomosity, which, believe it or not, comes with a story.
Last night I was meeting with the guys I made The Doubtful Martyr with (we are making an 'alternate' ending, it's gonna be great!) at Starbucks at Clayton and Lindbergh. That is a doozy of a place to get to, but it is central and as good as any other place. So, were meeting at 7:30. Around 6 or so, I'm pretty bored, but, just then, I get a fantabulous idea. I say to myself, "Ben, why not go there now, you know County Library headquarters are just down the street. You can check the internet and get a good book to boot!" So, I set off on my journey.
About half way to Headquarters I remember something that could prove to foil my trip. I live in the city. I have a city library card. My county library card has expired, since I no longer live in the county. Dangit. Well, I'm this far, might as well just go, they should at least let me on the internet, and who can't kill some time on the internet, right?
I arrive at Headquarters around 7pm. I say, just for giggles, let's see if they give me a card. I mean, I asked city library, they will give cards to county residents (I suppose so you can borrow a book from a city library on your lunch break while working downtown), maybe county has a similar policy.
Turns out they do, and I am now a very proud card-holder for both the St. Louis County and St. Louis City pulic libraries!
For those of you who don't frequent your local (or not so local, if you're just out and about and bored), let me tell you a few of the benefits, hopefully to encourage you to go to your local branch and find out for yourself the awesomosity of the public library.
They have books. Lots of them. They have fiction, non-fiction, reference, public records, periodicals (magazines, for those that don't know), newspapers, old newspapers on microfiche (now that is fun stuff to play with), and more reading material. They also, as previously mentioned, have computers. To look up stuff, to surf the 'net, to do reasearch on, and probably more. They also have movies. For free. New releases and everything. It is a great place to 'rent' movies (it's free, unless you bring it back late, hence the quotes around rent). It is also just a great place to sit quietly and relax, or read, or study. I think a lot of branches have wi-fi now, so you can bring your laptop.
Go visit a library, seriously, they are awesome.
Now, for a first in the awesome blog, a downside. *GASP*
When they gave me my precious new card last night, do you know what else they gave me? A card to put on my keychain. I am not a fan of keychain cards. They are big and bulky and always get in the way. They really annoy me, and it seems as if everyone is giving you one these days. Fortunately, I do not have to use it, as I did when I was a member of the YMCA, they ONLY gave me a keychain card. GRRR.
Ok, enough ranting.
I hope to have ads up soon, I'll keep you posted on the process. I'll also have a new poll soon, so watch out for that.
Here's todays picture with all my various, awesome, library cards:
See you tomorrow!
And, in case you are wondering, I got the latest Stephen King book, Duma Key, and only because the latest Rob Bell book, Sex God, was not in the library.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day 29
And know what you were thinking, "Aha! Ben has finally broken his streak!" Well, Aha! You!
It took so long today because I have been working with my folks and my brother on my folks rental place this morning, then with me momma on my place this afternoon.
Please allow me to explain the above pictures. 1st, is the before picture. As you can probably not tell, that is my rasberry garden (patch, group, pride, area, cackle, what would you call it?) We (and by we, I mean my mother mostly, I worked on other stuff) weeded the front half of it. It looks amazing!
The 2nd picture is what my momma found about half way through the rasberries and is today's awesomeness. That's right, its an Oak tree! And I would like to make the following proclamation:
I, Benjamin Allen Muehleisen, do hereby pronounce this day, July 29th, official plant a tree in your backyard if you happen to find one while doing other yardwork day!
I know its gotta kinda long ridiculous name, but I'm open to suggestions.
I will try to keep you updated on the life, health, and growth of my new oak tree, probably monthly, unless it grows real fast.
So, go plant a tree!
The poll is closed, I will apply for AdSense tomorrow.
The last picture is the picture of the day, taken in front of my newly half-weeded rasberries.
See you tomorrow!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Day 28
So, I work at Llywelyns every Friday and Saturday night (come see me at the corner of 9th and Soulard from 6-close{1am} some Friday or Saturday!). Well, they have live music on weekends and need to attempt to promote it in some fashion. Previously they put up a list of the bacnds coming. Thats it. So, we needed to jazz that up a bit, so we (Sean the manager and I) threw on a Lly logo, along with some other pics and funny comments. Apparently we were the talk of the GM meeting. Go us. They are lots of fun and I like doing them, but you'll just have to come down to Lly to see for yourself, now won't you?
Second option for the day was to explain what an RSS feed is, and that my blog (this one you are reading right now) has one. You see, I was talking with Joe Mcgill and Brent Mackey this morning after church. They are both avid readers (Hi Joe and Brent!!) of this blog. They have, in fact had small conversations via comments on my blog. Awesome. So, Joe has this little widget thing that tells him every time I update my blog. It works via a RSS feed. Joe is a geek, but a really cool geek, you know? So anywho, Joe is explaining patiently how an RSS feed works and how it can simplify, organize, enahnce, and all around better our lives in every way imaginable. Brent and I are looking at him rather blankly. But seriously, RSS feeds are cool (I think). Joe said he would post about the awesomeness of RSS feeds here or here or here, or you can see what the world says here.
While I'm at it, check out Joe's band here. I would tell you where to check out Brent's band, but he hasn't sent me a link to the page yet.
But alas, neither of those ideas was worthy of the true awesomosity of the day. Well, what is, you ask? I (of course) have to tell you a little background as to how I came across this the other day. You see, I have started adding tags to my posts recently. I am trying to get more visitors (so I can make that money when I sign up for AdSense by Google), and one way to add visitors is by search engine rankings. I know nothing about Search enginge optimization, but my basic theory was to tag stuff that people are already searching for. So I will tag stuff like Miley Cryus or iPhone. (joe informed me today that this may acually hurt my SEO, but oh well). I wanted to see what people are searching for, so I looked at what the top 10 searches of the day were for google. Woot and sellout.woot were both on there. I had no idea what they were, so I looked them up and found and and
Woot is this thing put out by Yahoo (boo yahoo) where they have a special deal of the day while supplies last. It could be anything. Today its a printer for $50. It's pretty awesome. So, check it out and let me know if you find any good deals!
Last day for the poll!
Here is a picture of my niece and I from the other day. She gave me her pony pillow and bunny to nap with, then wanted to take a nap with me. It's just too cute.

Here's the actual picture of the day:
See ya tomorrow!