Before I go any further, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading. I sincerely appreciate it. And now I appreciate it in my wallet. According to AdSense, enough people saw and clicked on ads to get me $2.48 yesterday! Hooray! They will only send me a check when it gets over $100, so I'll let you know when that happens.
Also, a quick not about yesterday awesomosity. I neglected to tell you about a few things regarding my bro. He is also awesome to 8th graders at Westminster and the wrestling team there where he is coach (they had their first state champ last year! And undefeated too!) He is also awesome to his wife, Adrianne and his three children. Our parents and both Big and Little Grandma like him too. That was just to accentuate his awesomeness (now, don't let it all go to your head Tim).
Ok, on to today's awesomosity. I almost made it the dentist I saw this morning, but really, even on the best dental visit ever, dentists will probably never make my awesomosity. But I did have a good checkup (no cavities!!)
Well then, if it's not the dentist, what could it ever be?!?!? HD Radio.
As you can see, I have finally replaced the silence (ok, so my truck is pretty loud even without a stereo, just call me while I'm driving) with a new radio my parents bought me for my birthday that was last month. It's totally awesome. As you can see, it has an HD tuner built in, is satellite ready, will play my iPod (when I get the adapter in later today), and of course, plays CDs (mp3s and other such stuff too.)
The coolest thing to me is the HD radio. I know you have all heard the ads for it and are probably wondering, what's that all about (even if you weren't, I'm gonna tell you anyway)? HD radio allows FM stations to have CD quality sound, and lets AM stations be in stereo and sound like normal FM stations. It's pretty cool. The even better part is that they can have more than one station (here's a list of St. Louis' HD stations and what they broadcast). So, say, The Point has their normal station, but they also have a sweet other station that plays mostly the same artists, but more of the stuff you don't hear, some of which is pretty freakin' cool. Then, say, a station like Y98 has another station called "Chillin 98" (at least that's what the text on my radio says) and they play these cool, chillin songs. It also allows stations to branch out a little from their normal format. So, KSHE has another station that plays "KSHE classics" that my dad will LOVE, but they also have a third station that plays "country variety". Yes. I just said the KSHE, the Rock of St. Louis, has an HD station that plays coutnry variety. It sucks, but it's pretty cool at the same time, no?
So, feel free to come hang out with me sometime, I'll drive (after undoing the passenger padlock) and you can check out all the cool HD stations and whatnot. Pretty sweet, if you ask me.
So, HD radio is awesome today, what do you find awesome today?
By the way, there is a new poll up, so vote. Also, I have a search bar, so if something I write sparks some interest, use that (yes, I get paid for that too, at least, I think I do).
Here's the awesome picture of the day, taken just after they made my teeth sparkle:

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