So, I work at Llywelyns every Friday and Saturday night (come see me at the corner of 9th and Soulard from 6-close{1am} some Friday or Saturday!). Well, they have live music on weekends and need to attempt to promote it in some fashion. Previously they put up a list of the bacnds coming. Thats it. So, we needed to jazz that up a bit, so we (Sean the manager and I) threw on a Lly logo, along with some other pics and funny comments. Apparently we were the talk of the GM meeting. Go us. They are lots of fun and I like doing them, but you'll just have to come down to Lly to see for yourself, now won't you?
Second option for the day was to explain what an RSS feed is, and that my blog (this one you are reading right now) has one. You see, I was talking with Joe Mcgill and Brent Mackey this morning after church. They are both avid readers (Hi Joe and Brent!!) of this blog. They have, in fact had small conversations via comments on my blog. Awesome. So, Joe has this little widget thing that tells him every time I update my blog. It works via a RSS feed. Joe is a geek, but a really cool geek, you know? So anywho, Joe is explaining patiently how an RSS feed works and how it can simplify, organize, enahnce, and all around better our lives in every way imaginable. Brent and I are looking at him rather blankly. But seriously, RSS feeds are cool (I think). Joe said he would post about the awesomeness of RSS feeds here or here or here, or you can see what the world says here.
While I'm at it, check out Joe's band here. I would tell you where to check out Brent's band, but he hasn't sent me a link to the page yet.
But alas, neither of those ideas was worthy of the true awesomosity of the day. Well, what is, you ask? I (of course) have to tell you a little background as to how I came across this the other day. You see, I have started adding tags to my posts recently. I am trying to get more visitors (so I can make that money when I sign up for AdSense by Google), and one way to add visitors is by search engine rankings. I know nothing about Search enginge optimization, but my basic theory was to tag stuff that people are already searching for. So I will tag stuff like Miley Cryus or iPhone. (joe informed me today that this may acually hurt my SEO, but oh well). I wanted to see what people are searching for, so I looked at what the top 10 searches of the day were for google. Woot and sellout.woot were both on there. I had no idea what they were, so I looked them up and found and and
Woot is this thing put out by Yahoo (boo yahoo) where they have a special deal of the day while supplies last. It could be anything. Today its a printer for $50. It's pretty awesome. So, check it out and let me know if you find any good deals!
Last day for the poll!
Here is a picture of my niece and I from the other day. She gave me her pony pillow and bunny to nap with, then wanted to take a nap with me. It's just too cute.

Here's the actual picture of the day:
See ya tomorrow!
1 comment:
Hey Ben,
I was notified that you had updated your blog because of your RSS feed (really cool). Thanks for all the kind words, sir. I would suggest that anyone interested in trying out subscribing to your favorite sites should check out That website makes it really easy to keep up to date with your favorite sites (like this one).
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