Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 31

I'm gonna go ahead and get today's awesomosity out of the way early, I have a busy day.

Today I get to hang fascia, soffit and guttering on my folks rental place. No, I have no clue what I'm doing. But my dad and brother do, so I'll be taking orders.

For those that don't know, I have to help because my dad shattered his ankle about 5 months ago. He is still in a walking boot and he hobbles around quite nicely. Even if he could climb a ladder, that is how he got hurt, so it might be a bit freaky for him.

Ok, enough about my family and day ahead. Today's awesomeness is simple. AC in the car. I know a lot of you are thinking that AC is cool and all, but worthy of the awesomosity? Let me tell you why.

I am driving my mother's Toyota Camry, which has working AC, today. Why? Because Jiffy Lube has my truck, which most definitely does NOT have any form of AC.

I know, you're just supposed to wait with your vehicle when you get the oil changed (and deny all kinds of services that seem frivolous, but are probably necessary at some level). Well I did that a few months ago (actually me momma took it there for me because I was so busy, but what else is new?). Everything seemed to go fine with that oil change until I went for another one.

That was when they told me that they had stripped the drain plug last time it was there. That means nothing to me, I'm lucky I know how to chage the gas in my car (you drive about 300 miles, then take out a loan at the gas station).

What all that means for me in a practical sense is that they are taking my truck to someplace in South County (why not the Midas they share a building with, I may never know) for a whole day.

That means that I get to drive my mom's AC filled car for the day. Awesome.

Slightly more frustrating, I got my new car stereo in the mail when I got back from dropping off the truck. It looks real pretty, but I can't hear it just yet. Hopefully that will be tomorrow's awesomosity.

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. You may notice the ads on the lower right corner. I'm not telling you what to do, but I only make money when people click on those, so....

My picture is up top in front of the Camry. See yall manana!


Gavin Masterson said...

¡Las vidas del monstruo del verde!

636benjamin said...

Gavin, what the heck does that mean? I don't speak Italian.