Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Day 240
What a fantastic day!! I hope all my awesomites (and you, Joe) are having as good a day as I am. Why such a good day? Let me tell you.
First off, we finally got our company debit cards. WOOT! Now, just to figure out the wisest spending of the money.
Second, we are finishing our first project as Under The Line Productions, LLC (I'll get that fictitious name setup soon so I can leave off the "LLC")! WOOT!
Two things about finishing that project. First off, DVD Studio Pro 3 is definitely NOT awesome (at least so far, I just don't know the program yet. I am sure it really is quite awesome). It's just been giving us fits all day. Second, what is awesome, is the DVD printer my church has. I borrowed it yesterday (Thanks Joe!) to make some cool looking DVDs to give to our clients. What do you think?
I think it looks pretty sweet!
Well, thats whats awesome today, now I gotta finish this thing up! Have a super-duper day!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Day 239
Hey Awesomites! Great afternoon to you. I hope your day is as well as mine. A new poll is up, make sure you visit the page and vote!!
So, today's awesomosity comes from someone who follows my Tumblr site. He posted this video yesterday, and it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. And its from a credible source, National Geographic. Enjoy this video.
Isn't that amazing?!?!?! Now, get back to work, like I'm going to! Have a spectacular day!!
Here I am in the foyer of my office.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day 238
Happy Noon awesomites! I hope your day is as awesome as mine. I got up at a decent time, did some dishes, showered, got to work at a good time and have been busy and productive since then. I am going to have a great night too, a great meeting and then dinner at Little Grandma's. That'll be fun. Then I get to go home and relax (and do laundry, I believe those two things are mutually exclusive).
Anyway, what's awesome today? This band I found by following @MikeFoster on Twitter. I have talked about mike before, but today he tweets about this Icelandic band. I click the link to find out what the deal is, and am totally jamming out to this fantastic, Radioheadish type of chill music. I am pretty sure the words are in Icelandic, but it totally doesn't even matter.
Check out Sigur Ros, they are awesome. Great music to just chill too, but you can dance to some of it too. And, if you go to the media page of their site, you can download some tunes, videos and a bunch more. I highly recommend checking it out. Totally worth your time.
Click here to listen to a cool track. Right click to download it.
Now, I'm gonna finish that video, get some lunch, and continue a great day. Enjoy the pretty weather!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day 237
Great morning too you!! I hope you all have as great a day planned as I do. I get to edit some video, then a few meetings, then maybe some laundry and hopefully a nap before great seats at the Blues game tonight! WOOT!
So, since I have much to do, today's awesomosity is the video I created for my church last Sunday. I was actually quite proud of the effect at the end, with the photo mosaic (using the program I found a few weeks ago). Tell me what you think.
I am First Free from Ben Muehleisen on Vimeo.
I hope you all enjoy your day!! See you soon!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Day 236
Happy afternoon awesomites!! I'm glad you could stop by.
Today's awesomeness happened last night, and I don't have a picture of it. But it was WAY awesome. It involves food.
So, Janelle and I went to my brother's house for dinner and babysitting last night. It was great. Adriane made stroganhoff that was delicious and I said we would handle dessert, which is what was awesome (not that the stroganhoff wasn't awesome, but the dessert was fabulous, if I say so myself).
So, my family's traditional birthday cake is this thing called heath bar cake. I can't give you the super-secret family recipe, but it involves chocolate pudding, whipped cream, heath bars and angel food cake. Right? Delicious. And even better the next day.
Sorry I don't have a lot else going on today, even though today was quite awesome, just very busy. If you ever want some heath bar cake, let me know, and we'll see what we can work out.
Have a stupendous night!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Day 235
So, what is awesome today, you ask? Not having to clean up from Mardi Gras is what is awesome to me. I realize that this only applies to people that worked in Soulard yesterday, but its still awesome. You see, when you have thousands upon thousands of people drinking for 12 hours straight walking through the streets of a small neighborhood, there is a bit of a mess to clean up.
At Llywelyn's, they had to take all the chairs and tables and glassware and neon signs downstairs, since we put the all up there for the party. They also had to pretty much hose down the whole place to try to get it remotely back to its normal state.
This morning, I had to drop off a video at my church (I may post it here tomorrow, we'll see), then head off to get some audio from a church choir for a UTL project. By the time I was done with all that, they were done cleaning up, and I didn't need to go in. Which means, I get to relax a little this afternoon. WOOT!!
So, I hope you all appreciate this afternoon as much as I do. Have a great day!!