Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 185

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Oh wait, I said that yesterday too, didn't I? Oh well, I still mean it.

So today's awesomosity has not actually happened yet, but I know it will be awesome for several reasons. First, the awesome of the day goes to....(drumroll).... Bad Dog Pictures!

First, great name. They even have a great web address, Right? Second, on their homepage there is a picture of a camel wearing a Bad Dog hat. Awesome.

So, by now you are wondering what is Bad Dog? Well, for my purposes it is a rental house of high quality video gear. They have everything from cameras (anywhere from $200-$1600 per day) to lighting, to audio gear, to grip gear, to whatever you need to make a skating video or a full-length feature film, though the feature would get mighty expensive.

I am renting the gear for a job I am doing for my church. I don't know how much they want me to talk about it, so I'll just leave it at that. It will be a great video, and I am excited they are going full quality with this thing. We will be renting the brand new Sony Z-1 (I am REALLY excited about this, if I had an extra $5000, this is totally where it would go), which is quite a cool camera and I am really excited to get to play with it. Here is a picture of the sexy thing:


Here I am getting stuff done at the folks house, since Bad Dog is out this way, but now I gotta go get this bad boy.

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