So I had a great day yesterday as you can tell by my post yesterday. Sweat a lot. Got the cold shower thing. Saw the new Batman. Slept well. All around awesomeness.
I know what you're saying, "Just get on with the awesomeness Ben, I'm not here to read about your stupid Sunday!" Ok then, I will.
Popcorn. Of course, not just any popcorn, but movie theater popcorn. There is nothing quite like slightly stale, liquid buttery-like goo covered popcorn in a bag. When we (Mark, Gabe, Kris, Kelly, Matt and Conor and I) went to see the Dark Knight, we first went to Red Robin, where I had this incredible salad (I know, a salad.) that had like fajita fiesta chicken on it. Delicious. But I digress. So we plan on seeing the 7pm show. I'm thinking, we show up at 6:30, should be plenty of time to get tickets. I mean, I figured it would be full, but seriously. It was sold out. So, we got tickets to the 8pm show, which sold out like 10 minutes later. But, we were first in line for seats, so we got primo seats in the middle of the middle (we actually had a long conversation about where to go and our plan for saving seats and what the middle of the middle meant, but we had over an hour to kill just waiting in line.)
We finally get into the theatre and get our very nice seats when I decide I want some popcorn. Of course, everyone I was with said they didn't want anything until I brought the popcorn back, then everyone suddenly had a craving for popcorn (and/or my soda, Mark). But that's totally cool with me, since I can't/shouldn't finish a whole bag of popcorn by myself.
So, the 7 of us enjoyed popcorn and did what I think the majority of America did this weekend, saw The Dark Knight. (It set records by making $155.3 million on opening weekend and something close to half of that was at the midnight showing on Thursday night, I mean that has to be more than every Brendan Fraser movie has made total.)
If you haven't seen it, I totally recommend it. Heck, I'd probably go with you if you can't find anyone else to go. As long as you buy the popcorn. Mmmmm....Popcorn.
Here's the pic, pretty boring today.

See ya'll tomorrow!
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