Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 191

Today's awesomosity is the most awesome thing I have had in quite a while. Remember a few years ago, when mash-ups were all the rage? For those that don't know, a mash-up is when you take two songs and layer them over each other. It is generally done with a rapper and a rock song, though I did hear some disturbing Eminem and Lynyrd Skynyrd once. This phenomenon was probably capped when Jay-Z (rapper) performed on MTV with Linkin Park (rock-ish band). It was pretty awesome hearing one band play their song and then hearing a rapper rap his song over that song. It's har to describe if you have never heard it.

Anyway, a few years back, a DJ/producer created this thing called the Grey album, which takes songs from the Beatles White Album and mashes it with Jay-Zs Black Album. I have not heard it, but from what I hear, it is pretty amazing. If you look hard enough, you can find it out there on the interwebs.

Yesterday, Sean and I are working and he's totally rocking out with headphones. Come to find out he's listening to something new he found, that turned into today's awesomosity. Do any of you like Radiohead (you should if you don't, they rock)? Well, he showed me this site, called Jaydiohead. It mashes Radiohead with Jay-Z (I have no idea why Jay-Z is so popular in these mash-ups). Anyway, it's awesome. And you can listen to it or download it for free (for the time being, it will probably get a cease and desist order before too long) at the Jaydiohead site. Enjoy.

Here I am looking happy because my business partners and I kick booty. Have a fabulous day!

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