Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 162

So, Sean and I are hard at work today, working on things like getting business cards, putting up a website, trying to buy some gear and a whole bunch of other awesome things. One of the things Sean and I like to do is listen to music while we work (because whistling gets old after a while). Sean has a Rhapsody account, which allows you to listen (via streaming audio) to their 60,000+ song library. Now they have an offer for 2 weeks free, then its just $12.99 per month.

Well, I wanted to listen to some music on my own, so I Googled "free music online" or something like that. I came across this incredibly awesome site. Awesome enough that it is officially the awesomosity of the day. Check it out, its called GrooveShark.

It is very easy to navigate and it has every artist I've searched for so far (including DC Talk!!!) Right now, I am listening to "Hail to the Thief" by Radiohead and enjoying it immensely.

I highly recommend the website.

Task o' The Day: Create an account on GrooveShark. If you are going to do this, please let me know, I will send you an e-mail invite. They are giving away a Wii and some iPods for people that sign up a bunch of people, and that would be uber-awesome.

I hope you have a fantastic day, I know I am (so far, and I don't see it going any other way for the time being!) See ya tomorrow! And Go Blues!

Oh, and vote in the poll (LouAnn is my mother and is very definitely awesome, you should vote for her) and sign up to get these things by email!

1 comment:

Wayward Dork said...

Check out too, they have cool create your own station thingees that I think are awesome! :)