Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 161

Some of you may know, and now all of you will, that I am going on a missions trip to Haiti in January. This will be quite awesome. And yes, I've already been thinking about how I am going to blog down there. I know I will have a computer with me to be working on videos (my main responsibility on the trip), so at the least, I will write everyday, and then post it all when I get back, assuming I will not have internet access, which is probably true.

Anyway, as it relates to being awesome today, I had a meeting of the team last night, and one of the things we did was start learning some basic Haitian Creole. As our team leader, Jay Knight said, we need to learn enough that shows we actually care and to get laughed at. We will only be there for 4 days, and most people there will know more english than we know Creole, so I don't need to learn much. Some of you may know that Creole is based on French, so those grade school French lessons may come in handy after all.

So, I was looking around on the interwebs for some help in learning Creole and I came across this awesome site:

New Missions

They've got a bunch of downloadable MP3s and a PDF to go with it, so that should all help me to learn some of a new language.

Task o' The Day: So, the awesomosity today is learning a new language. Therefore, the Task today is for you, yourself, to learn something of a new language. Go to the website linked above and get started on some basic greetings in Creole if you like. Or find yourself another language and learn some basic phrases. It doesn't count if you already know another language, it has to be one you have not learned before. As an alternative, if you would like some more information about my trip, fill out this form and I will gladly send you some info.

That's it for today! Have a great day!!

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