Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 218

There is a picture of me walking to lunch today, followed by 2 pictures of my truck. What is that on my truck? Why, its the awesomosity today, bird poop.

Ok, so bird poop is not the awesomosity, but the bird that created it certainly is. For real. The first picture is the "meat" of it, while the second picture is simply "splashback". At first this morning, I thought I had parked under a bird nest or something, but upon further examination, that was all from one bird. One giant, formerly constipated bird.

I have no idea what kind of bird could create such a masterpiece, but needless to say, it must be an impressive specimen. I am certainly impressed.

Well, I'm off to dinner and a Blues game, I hope the rest of your day is spectacular!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am SO glad that you wrote about poop!