Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 220

Today was indeed a special day. I got to rip up a Pontiac Sunfire to harvest the great stereo equipment, then I went to see dAN Hartke play at Cicero's. Here is a picture:

For those that don't know dAN, check out his blog here, it definitely gives you some insight into the great man that he is. He is the worship music leader at Quest (my church), father of 4 (oldest = 4, which is alone enough to make him awesome!)

dAN (that's how he writes his name) is a fantastic musician, and I really enjoyed seeing 64% of his show. It was well worth it.

If I had to summarize dAN in one word, it would be Integrity. In everything he does that I can see, he is a man of great integrity. He is a great example of the type of man I am trying to become, a great friend, and just all around awesome.

Now, I'm off to work, I hope you all have a fantastic evening!

Here I am at the Cicero's afternoon show.

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