Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 221

Today has been a pretty awesome day so far. Granted, it started a little too early, but things have gone to plan so far. Had a good night at Llywelyn's last night, then I got up early for another Under The Line video shoot. That went really well, mostly because it was in an absolutely gorgeous church.

Remember last week, when we were warned by an officer of the law about getting a pistol stuck in our face? Well, the church that hired us for that is where we were shooting this morning. Here are some pictures of that church (which don't do it any kind of justice, but hopefully the iPhone's camera is of better quality).

So, this church was built in 1900. All the ceilings are painted with murals of Bible stories, there is stained glass everywhere, and all the accents are marble. It is just beautiful. And it is less than 1/4 mile from where we were warned of getting pistols in the face. Something has seriously changed in that neighborhood over the past 109 years. I wonder how you revert that situation to more of what it used to be like?

Either way, its totally nap time before the madness of trivia at Llywelyn's tonight. Here I am at St. Theresa and Bridget's. Have a fantastic day!!

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