Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 242

Good afternoon awesomites!

This is gonna be a quick post for two reasons. One, I have to be at work soon. Two, I've been trying to keep the posts shorter so as to not waste too much of your time.

Oh, and make sure you vote on the latest poll before it closes.

So, I was asked to guest blog on my ladyfriends blog, One Among The Fence (a great blog name, even if it comes from a Coheed and Cambria song). We had a little music debate about the Top 5 all-time Red Hot Chili Peppers songs. I'm pretty sure I won, but check it out and make your own opinion. It is a grea blog and a fantastic idea to have music debates. I like it. So, that blog, and our debate specifically, is awesome today. Enjoy it.

In case you couldn't figure out yesterday's post, I got an iPhone yesterday, and yes, it is incredibly awesome. I will try to not make every day something awesome about the iPhone, but there will be a few, undoubtedly.

Here is a picture taken with said iPhone, I think I drastically improved my phone camera capabilities, don't you think?

Have a uberiffic day!!

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