Today's awesomosity has actually been brewing for a few weeks. You see, I have been making a very concerted effort to read my Bible every morning before I leave the house and every night before I go to bed. There are two things I have been reading these past few weeks. At night, I try to read wherever I'm at in reading through the Bible. A few years ago, I decided I wanted to read the Bible cover to cover. I am on 2 Thessalonians (that is pretty close to the end for those that don't know).
The other thing that I have been reading is today's awesomosity. Phillipians 2. There are a few things that have helped in reading this passage twice a day for a week or so. I am really starting to understand the passage as a whole, and I see new things every time I read it. Here are a few of the things I have found awesome so far.
v.1 - I love how it says if you have any in realting to things of the Spirit. Who doesn't have at least some of these things?
v.6 - Jesus is in His very nature, God. Jesus is God. However, when Jesus humbled Himself for our sake, he considered equality with God something that could not be grasped. Jesus, who is God, as a man, could never be equal with God. That means that we need to submit to God, since we can never be equal to God. Awesome.
v.14-15 - We should never complain or argue. Not so that our life will be easier (which it will), but so that we will be set apart in a crooked and depraved world. All for the glory of God.
So, I will keep reading this to continue to pull more from this passage.
Task o' The Day: Read the Bible. If you are not a Christian, and/or do not believe in the Bible, read it anyway, you might be surprised at what you find. If you need a Bible or want to know what to read, let me know, I'll be happy to help.
Here is today's picture:

I hope you have enjoyed the post today, I'll see you tomorrow!
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