Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 116

Today's awesomosity is a combonation of things from yesterday and today. Allow me to explain.

First, from yesterday. I was sitting at my desk, when suddenly, I got hungry. What did I do, you ask? Well, I got myself some lunch. This was around 1:00 or so.

So I go to the fridge and do you know what I found? Roast beef and 3 kinds of cheese. Awesome. So I made myself a sandwich fit for a king. Here is how it went: bread (whole wheat), deli deluxe american cheese, roast beef (2-3 slices), a slice of pepper jack cheese, more roast beef, munster cheese, even more roast beef, another slice of american and some bread to top it all off. You know, that's the secret to a great sandwich, bread on both sides. Lunchmeat is too cold and slimy otherwise (thanks to the late, great Mitch Hedburg for that one).

That was one of the most delicious sandwiched I've had in quite a while. You can see my masterpiece above.

Now for todays edition, which would have been a fine compliment to yesterdays deliciouiosity, SoBe Lizard Lava. I'm on the road to Nashville (I'm actually driving through downtown as I write) today, and when we stopped earlier I picked some up, strawberry daiquiri flavored. I have tried a few different flavors of Lava and have yet to be disappointed.

So, I'm saying the awesomeness today is a cold cut sandwich with some SoBe Lizard Lava on the side. Why not add a Little Debbie for dessert?

TASK o' THE DAY: I think you can guess. Cold cuts and delicious beverage for lunch today.

Thanks for checking me out, talk at ya soon!

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