So, today's awesomosity. Well, first, let me bring you up to speed on yesterdays. I have no idea how good I would be feeling if I hadn't taken any of those drugs, but I know I feel much better today than I did yesterday. Now, I am not saying I am better, just that I am feeling better. So, I think all those drugs are awesome. I do recommend talking to a doctor, or at least a pharmacist before taking combonations of those drugs, but some of the drugs work.
Anyway. I had a meeting this morning at a bank in Brentwood, that's actually where I took the picture of the day. I was going to make that awesome, but no matter how awesome a meeting is, it will never be the most awesome part of my day. In fact, the meeting took so long, that I went straight to another meeting at the Bread Co. up the street. That meeting was much mroe awesome. I met with Bruce Roquet, who used to be my youth pastor back in the day. He has a heart for Haiti (he's been there like 14 times or something). Well, I am going to Haiti on a mission trip this January. So, I met with him to get an idea of what to expect, what is going on down there in the way of missions, and get some ideas on how best to do the video I am going to do there. I'll write way more about Haiti as I get cloesr and am in Haiti.
Now, I still haven't gotten to the awesomosity. Well, to be honest, I was having some trouble coming up with one for today. So, I sat down at the ol' computer and googled "awesome". I was nto dissappointed. In fact, I found a site somewhat similar to my blog (though it seems to be more "shopping" based).
Check out Now, apparently, they are undergoing some sort of site reconstruction, but check out the archives, most of it is pretty awesome. I did look for my site, and it didn't get in the top 20 pages (I didn't look further), but I'm guessing awesomosity would get it right at the top (ok, so I just checked it and I don't appear until page 4. Dang).
Task o' The Day: Maybe you will all call this lazy, but I've written about 113 different awesome things. Tell me what you think is awesome. Some days awesome doesn't just jump out at me and I need some help. So, comment or email me ( with something awesome.
As I said earlier, this picture was taken at my meeting in the bank. We actually met in the kitchen because someone else was using the conference room.

Thanks for reading, I'll try to post earlier tomorrow!
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