Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 112

Todays awesomosity is actually more of a hopeful awesomeness. Well, I suppose I'll never know how well they are or aren't working, huh?

As many of you know, and I'm sure the rest of you can guess, I'm a bit under the weather as of late. It started sometime on Saturday, and just hasn't gotten any better.

So far I have taken Zicam Allergy Relief. I totally meant to get the cold remedy but I was kind of out of it when I bought it and didn't discover my error until I had tried one. Oh well, anyone need some allergy relief? I got some extra zicam I won't be using.

I also have tried some alka-seltzer cold stuff, theraflu, walgreens versions of sudafed and the right zicam cold-zinc-in-your-nose stuff. I also am taking aspirin for headaches.

So, here is what I will never know. Are any of these working? Zicam (and its generic counterpart) promises to lessen the effects and duration of the common cold. (I would hate to have an uncommon cold, that must suck). All the other medicines promise similar things. But since I am taking them, I'll never now what would happen if I didn't take them.

So, cold medicines are awesome (hopefully) today.

TASK O' THE DAY: next time you need some medicine (and hopefully its not soon), get the generic (or at least use a coupon, maybe Jackie can help you with that).

Thanks for reading, I'll see you tomorrow (hopefully in better health).

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I LOVE the Wal-phed. I have a box in my desk drawer at all times.