The awesomosity for today comes from last night at Llywelyns. We had this band playing (just like every other Friday and Saturday), and they were pretty good. They are called Westward Sons and are one of the best true rock bands we've had there in a while. Let me put it this way. They played Zeppelin. Well. Awesome.
But that's not where the true awesomosity comes from. The true story goes a little something like this.
I was hanging out at the door with my good buddy Joe (Yes, I got him the job, and yes, he owes me...wink, wink, nudge, nudge, joe). Joe is having a friendly conversation with the guitar player, who was pretty freakin good. I'll put it this way. He had the tube thing so you can do the talking guitar deal on his mic stand. I wasn't around to hear him use it, but come on, if you've even got one you're probably pretty decent on guitar, right?
Anyway, I say the same thing to him that I have said to almost every band for the last few months. I say, "Hey, do you guys do any GNR (Gun's 'n Roses, for those that didn't know)?" He says, of course. We could do like "Sweet Child o' Mine" or something. I am very excited at this point.
Quick aside about Gun's 'n Roses. They will never play St. Louis again. Here is why:
Here is a link to a video of the entire riot.
So, here is the big kicker of awesomeness. When they go to take the stage a few minutes later, the guitar player looks at me and says, "This one's for you." I almost peed myself. (totally kidding about that by the way, just so you all don't think I go around peeing myself all the time). But seriously, I had a song dedicated to me, isn't that awesome?
So, I recommend coming out and watching them next time you can. If you check out their myspace page, its got a handy-dandy schedule for ya. The open mic (I think) is like rock star karaoke, where they play and you sing. I think. Anyway, come check 'em out. They rock.
Here is a future picture of me. It will take place in approxiamately 5 minutes.

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!!
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