I attended a wedding today for my good friends Mark and Kristy Patterson (nee Hager). They are both pretty good friends of mine from church and great people. They go really well together and compliment each other and all that. Great stuff. Nothing quite like going to a wedding you know will work out, eh?
So, weddings are awesome. At this particular wedding, there were several things I liked. One, is that the wedding party was huge. There must have been at least 7 people standing on each side, and that doesn't include the ushers. I think this is awesome because I know I'm gonna have a ton of people standing for my wedding (if it ever happens :(, don't worry it'll happen some day) Here is a picture of the party all standing up front.

Another awesome thing about this (not that the whole thing wasn't awesome, it was, like I said, it's great when two great people get married) was the tux that Mark chose. Simple, black, elegant (did I just use elegant to describe a man's dress? I think I did). I'm a big fan of plain and simple. The bridesmaids all wore the same dress in different colors, and everything looked great. Here is a picture of the smaller wedding party (sorry its blurry, camera phone's suck).

So, today weddings are awesome. A side awesomosity was that I ran the sound for the wedding, so that made me $100. Can't complain about that a bit. Also, the reception is at 3:30, great time. And were having breakfast I hear. Awesome.
Have a great day everyone, thanks for reading, see you tomorrrow (in the cyber-world sense)!
Oh, the picture. I was gonna take a picture of myself during the wedding, but I thought that was a little tacky, so its just in the office, but I do look rather spiffy, eh?

Hey friend. Shaved head, eh?
Spiffy outfit for sure.
Super happy to see a few shots from Mark and Kristy's wedding. Thanks for posting them. I appreciate it.
Have an AWESOME day!
Ben, I think you look like Uncle Eddie in your spiffy outfit!
brinner is awesome! (breakfast for dinner). what a great idea mark and kristi had. they are truly awesome!
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