I was supposed to meet a business associate at 7:30 this morning. When I woke up, my alarm clock said 8:40. Oops. Well, why didn't it go off? Because I forgot to set it, but thats beside the point, the point is alarm clocks are awesome. I know what you're thinking (I'm really advancing in my telepathy classes), you're thinking, "Ben, I hate my alarm clock. It disrupts my beautiful, wonderful, comfortable sleep every morning." Well, just try to imagine life without it. It'd be like we lived in Europe or something, just showing up to stuff whenever we got there. Oh, wait, thats how I roll anyway.
Sometimes I do like to be on time and show up when and where I have told people I will be. For that I rely on my alarm clock. I have a decent alarm clock, it has the snooze button for feet, so it is designed to be randomly slapped to set the snooze feature. That is pretty good, but here are a few alarm clock I may consider upgrading to.
Throwable alarm clocks. You have your choice of several sports balls, and they snooze ny hitting a wall on the other side of the room. So when it goes off, you throw it. The second time it goes off, you have to get up and get it. Then you're up. Not a bad idea for under $20.
Dumbell alarm clock. You may think this alarm clock insults you so that you are so offended you have to get up, but no. It is actually in the shape of a dumbell and you have to do 30 reps to shut it off. That should get the old blood flowing enough to wake you up.
The flying alarm clock. This is similar to the throwable clock, but slightly different. This actually has a propeller on top that flies off to who knows where. To shut off the clock, you have to put the propeller back on the clock. I hope it doesn't break, that would suck.
Perhaps my favorite I ran across, even though it is in the concept phase. An alarm clock that syncs to your phone. After three minutes, it starts randomly dialing numbers in your phone, perhaps with a prerecorded message that you may not want your mother to hear at 6am. HA! That would get me up.
Of course, if you really despise alarm clocks, you can try to train yourself to wake up without one. I know several people that do this, but it requires a somewhat regular schedule, which I will probably never have.
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Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!
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