Also, have you all completely stopped clicking on ads? I've been stuck at $15.02 for about a week.
And, congratulations to Jim Barnard, who officially named my computer. The name is (drumroll please.......) Fu Mac Chu. And then I named the hard drive Sideburns. Whaddya think?
So, today's awesomosity comes from what I spent my morning doing. What I got up before 6am for (and therefore only got 4 hours of sleep due to too much Coke, me thinks). It is a business networking group I am a part of to help grow my business called BNI.
Business Networking International is a relationship based referral network. It has been benecficial to me and my dad in our home inspection business in several ways. One, it has taught us how to market our business. Two, it has helped us grow our business. Three, I have trusted friends to whom I can refer other friends, clients and colleagues. Four, it has taught me some great leadership skills, which is what this morning was all about.
As you may notice on my chapter's webpage, I am the president (I always think of the great Jon Lovitz Liars Club skit), and next year I will be Vice President (and way more awesome than Biden, but not as hot a Palin).
So, today's awesome task for the day (STILL LOOKING FOR A BETTER NAME!!!!) is to promote who you work for. Somehow. To Someone. For any reason. If you would like to visit my BNI group, let me know. Or if you are looking for any (and I mean any) service, let me know, I may (and probably do) know someone.
Have a great rainy day!
Come to Llywelyn's tonight for the World Premiere (Yes, World) of AB's new beer, American Ale. Great band too.
Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!
fu-mac-chu is awesome...
YES!! i am awesome!
treat the fu with respect now.
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