First another t-shirt site. I know I have written about them before, but this one is definitely different and special. Check out Totally worth your while. If you want to buy me an awesome shirt, I wouldn't object.
Secondly, I found a League of Awesomeness. I think this all started with something similar to what I've got going on, only this guy, Ze Frank (thats what he calls himself), has been doing this much longer and taken it much further. But hey, he started the League of Awesomeness, so that's pretty awesome.
Unaware to me, apparently the NBC show, Chuck, has a guy on it sometimes named "Captain Awesome". And Captain Awesome has a site, called "Captain Awesome's Tips for Being Awesome!!"

Now, granted this is NBC promoting a TV show, but they did put a guy in there called Captain Awesome. That's pretty awesome.
The most awesome thing that I found, and therefore today's awesomosity, is that there is an International Day of Awesomeness! A few things that are especially awesome. It was originally the National Day of Awesomeness, but they figured that awesomeness exists all over the world, so they expanded it. Second, it is on May 10th. Why? Because Chuck Norris was born on May 10th. I'm trying to make up a good Chuck Norris Fact here, but I'm drawing a blank. Any suggestions?
The only downside to this International Day of Awesomeness is that it already happened, and they make no mention of it coming back for 2009. Well, I'll have to have some kind of celebration, don't ya think?
Task o' The Day: Put your favorite Chuck Norris fact as a comment on this blog post. I think I have never laughed as hard as the day that Dan Hartke told me that "Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. It's too bad he never cries." Seriously, I think I almost peed myself.
So, my picture today was taken outside, simply because its a gorgeous day. Go enjoy it.

Thanks for reading, talk at you later!
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