So, today's awesomosity could (as often) be one of many different things. At first, it was going to be the whole Blues offer for "Name your own price" thing, but after a little playing with it, it doesn't seem all that great. I tried to get a 10-game pack, but it was going to cost almost as much as face value. Same deal with single game tickets. I think they just set how much they would accept for the few leftover tickets they had and put up the deal. It is a great thing from a marketing perspective though, I am sure there are a lot of people talking about it. And I am always a fan of people talking about the Blues.
So, since that couldn't be the awesomosity of the day, and chiggers and attics (two main concerns of main as of late) are certainly not awesome in any way, that leaves Instant Viewing on Netflix.
I have talked plenty about being a big fan of Netflix before, but now things are getting very cool. You see, I have been watching Heroes now for a while. Last night I finished up season 2. Too late to watch the 3rd season live, but, alas, there is a solution. Netflix!
I thought maybe I could watch them on Hulu, which I can, but I don't like those little commercials they have all the time. So, I checked Netflix, and sure enough, I have unlimited instant viewing and they have the new episode posted every Tuesday. Awesome.
Task o' the Day: (I thought maybe if I put it in Bold maybe you would do it, or at least let me know what you thought of it) Watch some TV instantly on Netflix. If you don't have Netflix, let me know, I'll send you an e-mail good for a free month (ok, so I get a free rental out of the deal too, but that's besides the point). So far, I have watched like 20 movies and 5 whole tv series. I think its a good deal, but I don't feel like doing the complicated math right now.
So, here is the picture of the day, taken in afforementioned (worth at least $.50) attic.
See you manana!
Oh, and please vote on the new (and related to this post) poll.
Anyone want to go to the Blues preseason game tomorrow night? It'll be a lot of fun!!! Let me know.
calamine lotion = dead chiggers.
I got them on my legs once when I was a kid and I had no idea what they were, and they started crawling around making little "chigger dig lines" under my skin and I was totally freaked out. I thought something was having babies in my legs or any number of those wierd things that get passed around the internet or shown on the discovery channel.
Your brother had luck with Chig-a-rid when he was attached by millions of chiggers last summer. Also, he took ice baths at 1am to get rid of the 'fire'...seriously!
I think you should rent 'House' - we're totally hooked!
Last thing: I like the Task o' the day in Bold - very eye-cathing :)
Your brother had luck with Chig-a-rid when he was attached by millions of chiggers last summer. Also, he took ice baths at 1am to get rid of the 'fire'...seriously!
I think you should rent 'House' - we're totally hooked!
Last thing: I like the Task o' the day in Bold - very eye-cathing :)
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