In the basement, I find first, a PBR bags game. Awesome. This came from when I went to a benefit concert a few weeks ago. They had "Hoosier Olympics" set up, so of course I played. I won the washers tournament, then did horrible in bags, then won again at horseshoes. Then, there was this game I have never seen, but it was really cool. They called it something like toilet horseshoes. Basically, they buried a plunger, with the stick sticking up, then you tossed toilet seats at it like horseshoes. Awesome. By this time, there were only a few of us playing, so I took second (out of 2). Then, we played ladder golf, where again I took second (out of 4). As a result of all the contests, I won the 1st Annual Hoosier Olympics at the Trade (a bar my neighbor owns). I even got a trophy (A horshoe glued to a bolt that is attached to a 2x4, quite awesome). If I think of it, I'll post a picture tomorrow. I also won the bags game. Anyone up for a game?
The other thing that was down there was a package from Tower Books. I was told to buy a book, but I couldn't find it in any store, so I went online. I found it at a good price at Tower. Then I saw that I would get free shipping if I spent $25. Well, this book was already like $15, so I looked around. I found two other books that have been recommended to me, unChristian and The Shack. So I bought them all for like $27 and got free shipping. Hooray! Anyway, here is what I don't understand. They only shipped me one book so far. So, they gave me free shipping, but then spent 3 times what they would have spent on shipping. Oh well, I don't run their business, I just support it (I guess, by buying books, I support a bookstore, right?)
Now, there is plenty of awesomeness there, but here is the kicker. When filling out the form for where they should send it, there is a blank for "Organization". Little do they know how mucha guy like me enjoys a free shot like that, just ask my church.
Recently my church began redoing their website. They wanted to have more people put in their own information. So they had a big push for the new "update your profile" button on the website. I did. Then I found that they had a "nickname" option. I am assuming this is for people whose name is "Andrew" and they go by "Andy". I did not take it this way. My first nickname was "The Man". They began to send their letters to Ben "The Man" Muehleisen. For real. Then I think it was "Blue" for a bit. I know I used "Stud" at one point. I am sure I haev used other "nicknames", but I am currently on "Hugger". So all my mail from the church is addressed to Hugger Muehleisen. Awesome. (By the way, apparently they only do this for me. My friend dAN tried to change his nickname and was denied.)
So, what am I getting at? This:

I know it is hard to read, but as I have said before, my cell phone camera kinda sucks. If you can't make it out, the organization I ordered this book for is "The Awesome League of America" Yes! Who else wants to join? Membership is free (for a limited time only!).
Task o' The Day: Create a sweet nickname for yourself, or maybe start an organization next time you have to fill out a form for something. Teach people that maybe they don't need all that information they ask for. It's really easy to do, just next time you have to fill out any personal information, use every blank they give you, and make up awesome stuff in the ones they don't need!
Here is my picture, which I took this morning at my place, so you could get a different background. Thanks for stopping by, talk to you soon!

That is pretty awesome. The nickname stuff I mean.
Toilet horseshoes... SO ghetto! ROFL!
It's true, man, they won't let me change it for myself!!!
Someone over there [*cough*joemoore*cough*] determined my name will be "Dan 'the guitar man' Hartke", so that's what it is. I don't have a say.
Dang bureaucracy! ;)
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