As a few of you may have put together, I went to the Blues game last night (I did tell you that I love the Blues, right? And that I would go to a bunch of games? And that they would all probably lead to some form of awesomosity, right?) Well, last night's game was totally awesome.
I'll start at the beginning. First, God created Adam, then Eve. Then a whole bunch of other stuff happened and it was my brother's birthday at the end of September. I am a huge fan of giving gifts that involve time and relationship, not just "stuff". So, I got us some Blues tickets. (I think I may have mentioned that before, right? That I went on StubHub and whatnot?) Anywho, we went to the game (my brother and I). It was awesome. But not the awesome of the day, that is just a direct result of how awesome the game was.
Some of you may be familiar with possibly the best promotion in professional sports history. Tacos for 35 cents at Taco Bell when the Blues score 5 (limit 20 per visit, hard-shell only). Why was this awesome? Because when the Blues had 4 goals, the entire crowd would start chanting, "We Want Ta-Cos!" It was spectacular. Then, after the lockout, Taco Bell stopped the promotion. The chant lived on. The new owners group liked the chant, figured out what it was all about and came up with their version of a solution. Now, on the old promotion, everyone got tacos for 35 cents the next day. In the new promotion, only people with tickets from last nights game got tacos. And only 1 for free, additional were $.99. And only at Scottrade Center (or as some guys at the best hockey magazine ever call it, DrinkScotch Center). The problem from Taco Bell's perspective is that they were losing employees left and right. Imagine working at a Taco Bell, knowing that the drive-thru line would be 10 cars deep open to close. All wanting tacos. I'd quit too.
So, the Blues management realized how lame their free taco giveaway was and created a new one. When the Blues score 5 or more goals, everyone in attendance gets a coupon for a free 12 oz. Blizzard from Dairy Queen. That is totally awesome. I'm not exactly sure what people are going to chant come 4 goals in a game time, but I'm sure there are some really creative Blues fans out there.
So, I would be going to DQ later today, but my brother is hanging out with his children (and no mommy) later today and wanted to take them to DQ, so we found an extra coupon and I gave him mine so he could take the kids. It's ok, I am sure I will be at another game where we score 5 or more. Heck, the two games I have been to this year (one was preseason, but I don't care) we have outscored opponents 13-4. Awesome. Also, when I wear my home game jersey this year, we are 3-0. My away game jersey is 0-1. I'll keep you posted, especially when I try my older jersey with red on it and my practice jersey. I pay attention to these things. Say what you want.
Task o' The Day: Eat some Ice Cream. Preferably from DQ (support Blues supporters and all that), however, Ted Drewes is acceptable.
Here is my picture taken while driving in today with my collar totally popped. Awesome.

Thanks for reading, watch the Blues kick the krap out of the Blackhawks tomorrow night!
1 comment:
I love DQ.
I remember one time I went with the man, stopping for lunch on a road trip.
The girl at the register was new and still learning, but that wasn't the funny part.
We were eating our food and she came out with his blizzard and tipped it upside down like they do... and it plopped right on the floor. She had accidentally grabbed two cups, so the one with the ice cream slid right out and she was left there holding the other one in her hand. It was hard not to laugh, and she had to giggle too. Ahh memories.
Oh- They have tacos at the DQs in Texas. They are awesome!
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