Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 104

Today's awesomeness comes from a few days ago when I was having a quick conversation with my friend Sean. Now, by conversation, I do not mean we were actually talking to each other. And we weren't emailing back and forth. And we weren't communicating telepathically (though that would totally be the awesomosity if it were possible). No, we were "chatting".

Some of you are all too familiar with chatting. I am not talking about hanging out with someone and chatting about the weather or something. I am talking about using the internet to chat. Now, just to be clear, I am not a fan of chat rooms. Mostly because I am not 15.

To be specific, I am making today's awesomosity GChat. It comes integrated with Gmail. If you don't have Gmail, stop reading right now and sign up. Seriously. You will never regret it, no matter what email client you are currently using. You don't even have to stop using your current email. Do it now.

So, if you don't want to switch, you can still use Google's chat program, it's called Google Talk. I have never been a fan of instant messaging, but Google makes it very easy and totally useful. I highly recommend it.

Ok, I'm going to go to my house now and watch some football and maybe snooze for a minute before work.

Here is a picture I snapped earlier when I should have already been at church, but still hadn't left my house. I apparently turned off my alarm clock when I meant to snooze it. Oh well, I still made it, just a minute or two late.

Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Mostly because I am not 15." HAHAHAHA!
that's good funny! :)

The movie you were wondering about is the movie Hero with Jet Li. It's amazing! Incredible colors and movie twist. (the entire thing is in Mandarin though, so you have to read alot, but IT'S WORTH IT.)