Now, remember when I talked about my awesome HD Radio? Well, one of the most awesomest things about it is that not only do FM stations come in clearer and sometimes have another station that is HD only, but AM stations that broadcast in HD are crystal clear! Why am I telling you this? Because it's hockey season baby!!!!!
On my way home last night, I was just cruising through the channels, when what to my wandering ears did appear? The Blues on the radio!! In HD no less! KMOX is the only AM station in Saint Louis to be broadcasting in HD, and, awesomely enough, KMOX is the home of the Blues!!
There are way too many things for me to say awesome about the Blues, and I am sure there will be a few more awesomosity's dedicated to the Blues this year. So, for my first Blue awesomosity, I will start with the new 3rd jersey.

For more pictures of the new jersey, which they will wear a minimum of 15 games this year (according to the website) you can always visit You can of course, also purchase tickets there, but you may want to check out Stub Hub first, I just got some tickets crazy cheap there (if you go to stub hub, make sure you google stub hub discounts first, I was able to save $10 pretty easily).
I think it will be pretty obvious how to be more awesome today, but to make sure there are no doubts, GO TO A BLUES GAME! Or, I suppose, if you don't live in the area, go to the nearest hockey game you can get to. Or at least watch a game on tv (I suggest finding a place that has it on HD, it will be a much better experience). Of course, I would love to do any of these things with you, just let me know. At some point soon, I will be trying to get a group together to go to a game, so I'll keep you posted.
Referring back to an awesomosity last week, does anyone want to go see Jon Hardy and the Public tomorrow night? They are playing a benefit st the Bluebird and I would like to go, but probably won't go if no one goes with me (awww. now isn't that sad?).
Here is my picture, taken with the nearest Blues paraphenalia I had (there is always something close). See you in the morning!

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