Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 56

I have officially tied Joe DiMaggio. go me!

Today I am gellin with warning track power. Allow myself to explain ... myself.

Before I get to that, I have a few questions as I watch the mens volleyball gold medal game between the U.S. and Brazil. Do the Brazilians get made fun of in Brazil for not being soccer players? What's up with the one guy wearing a different color shirt? Do they have to group hug to celebrate every point, even when the other team serves it out?

Back to the point. First, warning track power. At least today, that's all I bring to the table. We played (and shockingly lost, though it was close, 7-5) baseball today, and while I struck out looking once (it was at least 3" inside), I did hit two, count 'em 2, ground rule doubles. They both landed on the warning track before bouncing over. That's two more ground rule doubles than I have hit ever.

Wanna see my raw display of power live? We play in Brentwood this Wednesday at 8 pm. Come on out!

But, as awesome as that was, its not the awesomosity.

That honor belongs to my new pair of shoes (not blue suede, if you're wondering). Yesterday I needed to buy some new work shoes because the old ones were literally falling apart. The store I went to had a buy one get one half-off sale. So I was able to replace my old tennis shoes as well as get some new work shoes.

What's so awesome about the new shoes? They're Dr. Scholls, with built in gel stuff, hence I am now gellin' at work. Awesome. All for under $60.

Quick anecdote about my trip to the store. As I was leaving, a couple walked up to check out. With just one pair of shoes. The salesman told of their special, which sent the woman looking at shoes. The guy says, "honey, they have a special, wanna get a pair?" I immediately replied, "did you just ask if a woman wanted to buy a pair of shoes?" He says after a short pause, "whoa, did I just make a big mistake?" I thought it was funny.

Thanks for reading, I'm off to make cheeseburger casserole.

See you tomorrow!

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