"I'd be surprised if it didn't put an end to all violence and suffering."
Who said this?
a) Michelle Obama - talking about her husband being president
b) The creators of South Park, speaking of an upcoming sequel to Team America: World Police
c) Chris Martin of Coldplay, talking of their new album, Viva La Vida
d) The Pope, talking about what would happen if the whole world converted to Catholicism
Give up? It was Chris Martin of Coldplay! He said this in a Spin interview. Who knows if he was serious, I wouldn't doubt it. You can read the whole interview here. That quote is on the second page.
I was at therapy this morning, just checking out the magazine selection when I saw Spin with Coldplay on the cover. I really like the new title song for the new album and was considering purchasing the album last night, until my good friend Jim Barnard told me he would burn it for me. I'm a sucker for a good deal, so I said OK.
I am reasonably happy with my willingness to accept a free album, it is pretty good, though I haven't listened to it all that thoroughly yet. Here is the video for the song that made me want to purchase it in the first place. You can read the lyrics here.
Dangit. I know there was a whole bunch more I wanted to write about in the ol' blog today, but now I can't think of it all. I should totally finish what I started when I start it from now on.
I do remember this though, I got a new comparison mention last night. Kevin Spacey from Se7en. What do you think?

Oh, and I found this pretty fun site thanks to Katie Morgan. Its called Yearbook Yourself and here is what I may have looked like had I graduated high school in the 70s.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Last day to vote in this poll.
See you tomorrow!
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