We were there to shoot some awesomeness, which is a man on the street interview of some random people that are willing to talk in front of a camera. This week, we were talking about health, being in shape, and the health of the church (as a whole). You can see the finished product this Sunday at 10:45am at Quest, which is a service inside of First Free, which is located at 1375 Carman Rd. Manchester, MO 63021. Come join us, it'll be fun!!
We have done this man on the street thing before. Usually we do it in the Loop, right next to Fitz's Root Beer. And usually it is our Pastor, Kevin Hughes who asks the questions. Well, Kevin was busy this week, and we wanted to try a new place that was closer to our church.
So Jim has never done this before, and interviewing people you don't know on camera can be a little awkward (thats why I do the camera stuff). When we started, there were a bunch of people sitting at these tables outside. I figured for sure they would be interested enough in what we were doing to come ask, in which case, we would interview them. This did not happen as intended. What really made the difference for us was when a train came rolling through. That meant there was a big line of cars right next to us, all of which were totally captive. AHA!
We went to the frst car we saw and struck gold. After that, it was much easier to get folks to talk to us. In fact, we did have one guy end up asking us what was up. We got him. Enough about that. I do have a small sample of what we were doing. As I said, this was Jim's first time, so there was a bit of a learning curve going on there. This is a sample of Jim being Jim. Enjoy.
Here is my picture of the day, taken at my church where I have been editing video all day.

I will have a new poll up soon, any ideas? Thanks for reading, talk to you tomorrow (unless you come to Llywelyn's tonight for Mike Renick, totally worth the trip!)
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